Tuesday, August 26, 2014

my guard dog

Tex has been quite the addition to our family.  He is such a great dog.  He gets a little hyper with his mouth at times (meaning he nips to play) but otherwise he is such a great dog.  I would nip too if I had Aiden, Sloane, and Kyle always blowing in my face and grabbing at me. (:

Tex stays with us outside and loves to just wonder around the yard.  He comes (most of the time) when we call him.  He gets excited when we get home and loves to be lazy with us.  He loves to play and go on walks but doesn't ever want to overdue himself --he sounds like me. He is just all around an awesome dog.

He never sleeps in our bed, in fact he rarely will come and lay with us when we are in bed.  I would like for him to sleep in our room (on the floor) with us, but he prefers the couch or his crate. 

Last night Kyle was out of town.  I was NOT looking forward to sleeping in our house alone (no kids and Tex tucked on the couch).  Last night Tex climbed on our bed and slept right next to me.  He totally knew that Kyle wasn't home and I needed him.  He read my mind, it was crazy.  He slept RIGHT next to me all night long and when the alarm went off this morning he looked at me like, 'uh excuse me, turn that sh!t off!'
He was probably a little annoyed that i took a pic (with flash) of him at 6 am

I love this dog!  He is so great with the kids and loves us unconditionally.  I want to clone him and make him live forever!

Monday, August 25, 2014

i like THAT mom

I am that mom.  I yell at Aiden's football games as if I were watching the Dallas Cowboys win the Super Bowl (and while that is NOT going to happen anytime soon it would be super exciting).  Aiden makes me proud and he works really hard on the field so it is fun watching him play.  I did the same thing at baseball and basketball and his other seasons of flag football so at least I am consistent. 

I do cheer for the other kids too, but I don't know their names so I yell "come on buddy" "run hard buddy" "you got this buddy" a lot.  I wonder if people think my son's name is Buddy.  Hmm, I should learn their names.

Watching baseball or football for most people isn't exactly fun. For most people the word brutal comes to mind.  But watching Aiden makes time fly by for me (unless it is freezing outside then time just stands still).  I love every second.  I enjoy watching him work hard and do his best.  He is all in the game (unless someone lets go of a balloon which floats into the sky, I mean EVERYONE needs to watch the balloon and see what will happen--even if a kid is running PAST you with the football) and this boy isn't usually "all in" to much.

He threw a touchdown pass last week, that was awesome to see.  It was his first true touch down pass and he executed it quite well.  He is definitely learning a lot and that is really fun to see.  If only he took school as seriously as he took sports!

Friday, August 15, 2014


I love birthdays.  I like to think it is because they are significant to ones life.  They bring you awareness about how good your life has been.  They remind you that you have lived and continue to live each day.  They provide you time with family and friends that love you. 

To be honest...it is none of those reasons. I love birthdays because birthdays give me a day that is all about ME.  I love days that are all about me.  I like to think that I am not a selfish person but I am.  I hide candy so I don’t have to share it with my young children; ‘hello, my name is Whitney Selfish Barrentine’. 

I love birthdays because that means people are thinking about you and go out of their way to make you feel special and important.  Doesn’t everyone want to feel special?  Doesn’t everyone want to feel important?  Please tell me the answer is yes… otherwise I might need therapy. 

I can say that I turned 32 and I don’t feel a day over 25.  I feel young and always have.  I hope that always stays with me.  Sometimes when I am with Aiden and Sloane I wonder how I am even old enough to have kids this “old”. Then I remember that I am not 25….duh.

I love being in my 30’s.  It feels good to say my age.  I am happy and healthy (minus my candy addiction). I feel beautiful (thanks to my amazing husband who tells me that daily…my friends get a BIT annoyed of my constant reminders I give them about my beauty). I am confident in who I am as a person (if you don’t like me, leave me). I am also aware of all my annoying qualities (yes, I know that I have a short temper and I think I am always right….I am working on that ---I am actually not, but I should).  I am a good mom (I work on this daily, my patience is short, but at the end of the day I know that I get better every day and I get to start over tomorrow). I am a good wife (I have a husband who makes this very easy for me). 

So to say birthdays are special is an understatement.  I love birthdays.  I love celebrating them with people and I love being celebrated!  It only happens once a year so I gotta eat it up while I can!