Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Time doesn't stop

Do you ever look around and feel like life is flying by but you are still 20 years old and nothing has changed?  The only things that remind me that I am not 20 years old are the two little people that follow me around everywhere I go.  I never feel old, which I’m technically not, so I guess that makes sense. 

I have been teaching for 11 years now.  Eleven years, that is a long time.  Yet I still feel like I am on year three.  I look around at these first year teachers and I am reminded that I am not 20, yet I still feel like I am. It is crazy!

Bailey is getting ready for Prom.  I instantly go back to my prom years and it feels like it was yesterday…it wasn’t.  It was 15 years ago!  15 years has gone by since I had my hair put half up in a little bird’s nest on the top of my head and I wore the world’s most unflattering dress to our senior Prom. 15 years!  Courtney had allergies and was a mess, I had strep throat and looked ridiculous…it was a good time! Thankfully I don’t remember what anybody else’s dress looked like, therefore they (hopefully) don’t remember mine.

Time goes by fast it never feels like it in the moment but looking back on things, it all goes by very fast.  In the moments it feels like turtle speed, but years later it is just the opposite.