Friday, August 3, 2012


What is about shopping that makes a body good? I mean really, it is not something I think I enjoy, but my goodness when I know I can go buy something my heart races and I get all sorts of excited.  It doesn't even have to be something for me....just something.  Hell, I think I would be excited to go buy a new toilet if it meant I got to go shopping (now I have bought a new toilet and it really is kind of exciting.....nobody has EVER used is as clean as it will ever be....nobody has ever puked in it, pooped in it, peed in it---or on it if you are Aiden.  So see it is easy to see the excitement over a new toilet).

Let's talk clothes....I don't just love shopping for me (on the for real, that is my favorite kind of shopping) but I love shopping for my kids too. Buying them clothes and shoes, lordy shoes. I could buy a pair of shoes for every outfit for those kids.  I want to buy Aiden Sperry's and Toms, but I have been told that is dumb.  For the record, I totally disagree, but I don't want to make my kid look dumb....dumb, is the stupid light up shoes.  THAT is dumb. I told Aiden if he wore them then he would get electrocuted if he stepped in water.  It worked because the kid never asked to buy another pair.

Is it ok to lie to kids?  Probably not, but I do.  I read a blog about a woman who feels like it is ok to lie to your kids because there are certain instances when it is necessary.  I totally agree. I lie to my kids for their own protection and because I love them so much.  I wouldn't ever want Aiden to get beat up because he is wearing light up shoes, so really my lies are to protect him.

Back to kids clothes.  Sloane has it made.  There are the cutest girl clothes out there.  I sometimes dream of being the mom that buys matching clothes to be twinsies with her daughter.  Not because I want everyone to think I am young (because I am) but because the clothes they make for little people are almost cuter than the clothes they make for not so little people.  They have everything; matching bracelets, scarves, hats, fedoras (I could totally rock a fedora), necklaces, name it and they make it for little people.

I decided I was going to go shop a little today.  I have to wait for the kids to get picked up because I try to limit my time in public with them.  Aiden and Sloane are two of the cutest kids on this planet, but they are really loud and really hyper.  They like to be seen and heard.  It is good that they are cute because they are often times seen AND heard in a not so cute way.  They find hiding in stores to be fun and exciting, it is my worst nightmare (aside from a spider crawling out of my shoe or the toilet  or my bag).  They hide, thinking it is a game as I am frantically having heart palpitations looking for them with my calm, "Aiden, Sloane you need to come out," voice.  When I really want to be yelling, 'AIDEN, SLOANE WHERE IN THE HELL ARE YOU....THIS IS NOT FUNNY!'

So nonetheless, I am going to do a little (kidless) shopping today.  I am excited.  I am put in an instant good mood knowing that I will be searching (even if I don't find) for clothes that will be cute and new. I love new clothes.  I want to wear them all at once.  The problem with new clothes is once you wear them they aren't really new anymore.  When you get a new car, it is new for a really long time.  It smells new, it feels new, you wash it and it is all shiny again.  With clothes, you wash them and they become sad and not so new.  So you really have to embrace wearing your new clothes.  Appreciate them, love them.

Shopping is good.  It makes you feel good.  It makes you look good.  It makes a day good...unless it is a fat day and everything you try on looks bad and makes you feel fat....that is NOT a good day.  You will notice I never mentioned shopping for jeans...jean shopping is the worst.  I think each year they make jeans smaller and smaller.  Jean shopping does not make it a good day.

So my shopping today will not be jean shopping.... I am really excited about my good day.