Friday, February 15, 2013

Why I love what I do....

My job isn't hard.  It is fun.  It is meaningful.  It is time consuming.  It is rewarding.  It is exhausting, but it isn't hard.  I can honestly say that I am really good at what I do.  I wish I was more patient.  I wish I was a little less loud.  I wish my kids understood my jokes.  I wish kids listened more.  But, overall I feel like this is what I should be doing.  I don't compliment myself on a lot, and I always feel like I could do better at everything I do (including teaching) but I think that compared to a lot of teachers I am good (yes, I could be better). 

There are days that are much better than others.  There are times where I am over it.  There are times that I wish I could do my job without having to deal with kids (try to explain that to a non-teacher and they will never get it, but it is true). 

I love the way kids grow.  I love how naturally caring and giving (SOME) kids are.  I love when a light comes on for a child.  I love how they hear things that you never even realized you said.  I love the way they want to tell you everything (I dread Sloane and Aiden telling their teachers everything).  I love how they complain that things are hard, yet do great on things.  I love how they are comfortable with me.  I love when they think I am mean, yet they know this is not true.  I love when I am able to relate to a child (and it is crazy how you can relate to so many kids).

I have a child in my class who brought me 25+ toy dinosaurs today.  Yesterday in a lesson we were talking about meteors and how a scientists hypothesize that a giant meteor wiped out the dinosaurs.  I shared with the class (as a side note, I have lots of side notes while teaching) that Aiden LOVES dinosaurs but most videos we watch end with a meteor hitting the planet and all the dinosaurs dying.  That was it, that was the extend of my conversation and today in walks a kiddo with all his toy dinosaurs that he doesn't play with anymore.  He wanted Aiden to have them.  They care (some don't).  They listen (some don't). 

You better bet your hiney I Cloroxed those suckers.  :)  I love my job....but I hate germs.