Tuesday, October 7, 2014

that old saying....

You know the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words”? Well I have a new one….”If a picture is worth a thousand words, than a video is worth a million!”

There are so many times in my life when something happens that desperately needs to be shared with the world, but there is no amount of words that can truly explain what occurred.  There is no picture that can put into words what you witnessed, but if it is videod, wheeeeewwwweeeee could I tell my story. 

I really think this pertains to Sloane in many ways.  A person truly can’t grasp the magnitude of her personality unless you see it in action. 

This also pertains to a group of people that are listening to live music.  There is something about live music/bands that make people just lose their wits about themselves and go for it.  While I can appreciate their ability to go all out and enjoy themselves, there is a fine line between WOAH and CUTE.  There are no words to express what you witness when people feel the music.  The only way for one to truly understand the things that are happening around you is to see it with your own eyes.  

****Before all my readers (I stole KB’s line….) go all judgy on me…I do realize that I have made a fool of myself a time or two in my day, but there is a FINE LINE, yes a fine line, which I try hard not to cross.  I do LOVE LOVE LOVE when people cross that line, because it makes for some magical entertainment.

I am an amazing people watcher, some call me a person that stares, I prefer “people watcher,” it is more PC.  Kyle and I can sit at dinner and create amazing stories about the people around us.  We know their background, how they are feeling, what they are thinking….all from our people watching skills.

I want to Thank Moon Dog Tavern for inspiring this blog post.  If it wasn’t for the amazing talent on the dance floor that night I am not sure that “all my readers” would be as enlightened as they are at this moment.  I would also like to thank my parents for giving me the “people watching gene” …. I can never repay you for that!