Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Amazing People...Amazing Things

Amanda has been one of my closest friends since I was in 6th grade.  We grew up together.  Went to college together.  And now we are getting to watch our kids grow up together.  Granted her kids are much different than mine.  Cecilia is sweet and caring and loving and calm.  Aiden is sweet and crazy and loud and loving.  Sebastian is rough and tumble and fast and a little lover.  Sloane is snappy and funny and bossy and rough.  I think Sebastian and Aiden could take on the world if we let them.  I am fairly confident that they would simply take anyone out that got in their way.  I love the way Sebastian follows Aiden around (teaching him really naughty things along the way) and the way Cealy wants to play with Sloane (who has no idea what "playing" actually means).

Amanda isn't my only friend with kids....a lot of my friends are moms.  I love watching them interact with their kids.  Sometimes they validate how I feel about being a mom....sometimes they make me a better mom....and sometimes they make me feel sane for being a mom.  It is a nice mix.  I love watching my best friends do their job and I love being able to say that between all of us we have an army of children.

Lucky for me I am able to witness Amanda's dreams slowly come true.  She has always dreamed, ALWAYS dreamed of adopting children.  She always wanted to have a bunch of Ethiopian babies running around.  Save these innocent little soles from a life of heartache and give them a life of love.  I remember sitting in her room in Castelton Estates listening to her talk about adopting babies.

15 years later she is doing just that.  Her and Danny have officially been told they are getting twin boys, TWIN BOYS.  Can you believe that?  Amazing.  She is going to become a mom to two more babies.  Two more babies to love.  To mother.  To raise.  To teach.  Unbelievable.  These babies are technically not babies.  They are at least one.  They are perfect.  They have very sad eyes in their pictures.  Sad eyes that probably represent their life thus far.  I have no doubts that Amanda and her family will have a lot to face over the next year.  But, her dreams are coming true.  She is a fighter and she will do this right.  She will turn the sad eyes into happy eyes.  She will turn these little boys into amazing young men.  She will show these little boys what a family feels like.

The amazing thing about Amanda and Danny is they can have children.  They have two.  Two perfect children.  But, they know that there are more than just THEIR perfect children in this world.  Perfect children that want to be loved just like Cecilia and Sebastian and Aiden and Sloane.  They are adopting these children because they are good people.  They are wholesome people.  They are following their dreams.  It is truly an inspiring thing to witness.  Amanda makes me a better mom, a better person.  I am proud to call her my best friend.  

1 comment:

  1. Cealy just asked, "Mommy, why are you crying?" Thank you for sharing. Thank you for allowing me into your life and sharing yours with me. You have been such an intricate part into making me feel sane. You ask questions and jump for joy with good news. I could not ask for anyone better. We all make each other better, by watching and listening. You sure have taught me a lot. I can't remember when I was sure I wanted to adopt, but my closest friends tell me they remember I wanted too all along. Thank you for being a part of our journey. We will need you, Aiden, and Sloane to love and cherish our boys. And I am sure you will do just that.
