Sunday, July 28, 2013

Low Point

I started this blog about a year ago.  I wanted to have something to document where my life was and where it was going.  I wanted to highlight the highs of my life while at the same time not ignore the lows.  So prepare yourself, this is a low.

I like to think that I don’t compare myself to others, but let’s be honest I DO.  It is a terrible fault of mine.  I sometimes think that other people have it so much better or so much easier, blah blah blah (and sometimes it is the other way around, I feel so lucky and so honored to have the life I have).  I don’t know why I do this.  There are just some days (I can almost pinpoint these days to a “t”) I feel sorry for myself.

I don’t live a normal life, but what is a “normal life?” I do have a million things to be thankful for, yet there are days where I am sad.  I miss my kids.  I miss them when I am with them because I know that in a few short days they will be with their dad and I won’t have them with me anymore.  I get mad when I see my friends with their kids and they don’t have to miss their kids.  I get mad when I hear parents complain about not getting a break from their kids and here I am desperate to get my hands on my own.  I feel selfish but I NEVER voice my opinion and here is why: I know what it is like to be with my kids all the time. I know why moms need a break.  I know why parents are tired. 

But see, here is my problem I am not tired.  I so desperately want to be tired.  I want to WANT a break.  I so desperately want to NEED a break.  But I don’t have these things because I have to spend time away from my kids while they get to spend time with their dad.  I will never have a normal motherhood experience and I feel sorry for myself.  I don’t want to feel sorry for myself, but by God I do. 

I choose not to do things where I know that kids will be there and my kids will not.  It is something that I struggle with because I don’t want to miss out on things or hurt others in the process but I simply can’t be a part of something that my kids should be a part of and can’t.  I will miss my best friends kids’ birthday parties next weekend because I won’t have my kids.  I hate to not be there, I love those two kids like my own, but I can’t be there and feel ok without Aiden and Sloane.  Every Tuesday there are free concerts (which are the by the way) in our town, I don’t go unless I have my kids.  I can’t watch all these little people run around, dance, play and not feel a huge sense of emptiness inside. I have a love hate relationship with Facebook because it makes me miss my kids.  People post all their pictures of their kids and I sit there wishing I could have mine home with me all the time….it puts me in a bad mood. 

I don’t want to be in a bad mood.  I want to be me.  I want to feel fulfilled every day, not just on the days where I have my kids.  I have not and will never claim to be an expert on divorce.  I will however claim to do my best with the situation I am in.  I feel like (and have been complimented on by for how well I have handled all the changes that have occurred in my life and my kids.  But at what point does this get better?  I am at a loss for how I will feel this way for the rest of my life (or until these two little people go to college---unless they want me to go with them, which I would do in a heartbeat). 

Life is hard.  I know this.  Nothing is easy and everybody is fighting their own battles.  I am sure there are people who look at me and think ‘she has it made’…. which I know I do.  I have two healthy kids who love life.  I have an amazing partner in Kyle who puts up with me.  I have met the two most amazing teenage girls and I have loved getting to know them. I have great friends.  I have an incredibly supportive family.  I have a roof over my head.  I have dinner on the table and lots of snacks in the fridge. I have a good job. I am healthy (minus my eating habits, which I think will make me live forever-others say will kill me early).

I have to learn to focus on the positive.  I need to learn to be ok with what my life is with Aiden and Sloane and be thankful for the times I have them.  I just haven’t gotten to where I am ok with not seeing them all the time.  I miss their faces and more importantly I know they miss mine.  Sloane would glue herself to me and I would be ok with it.  Aiden called me last week (his week with his dad) crying because he missed me, my heart broke.  It broke in half and I don’t think it has healed.  I don’t want my kids to miss me.  I never want them to think I am not there. 

Being divorced is hard.  Life is hard. I will try to focus on the positives.  I know that life could be so much worse.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Arkansas, meet Aiden & Sloane

We just got back from out trip to Greers Fairy Lake in Arkasas....what an amazing place!
Kyle's parents have a condo right on the water and were amazing enough to have my kids join his family for their summer trip.  It was a great trip!  The kids had a blast, the teens had a blast, and the grown ups had a blast! The weather was incredible.....right in my wheel house of hot and sweaty.

We spent everyday in the water, on the boat, eating, on the jet ski, jumping cliffs, eating, taking golf cart rides, swimming, eating, and spending time together. 
Kailyn, Sloane & Bailey Tubing (Sloane loved it!)
Kailyn, Aiden & Bailey Tubing--he wasn't sure about it, but did enjoy it (aside from his face of fear)
Kailyn & Bailey--Kailyn could tube all day!

Kailyn jumping
Bailey Jumping

Kyle Jumping----I jumped too, but we only have video so no pics

A couple of days Sloane took a little nappy on the boat....I wish I could have napped too, but Aiden doesn't sit long enough to allow this!

Crazy clear water!

Instead I napped in the water.

Kyle and his dad, Jim, jumping.

She watched Aiden jump, so she walked right over and jumped then looked up with this "what in the hell just happened" was awesome.  Love how brave she is.

Aiden was brave too!! He worked his way up to this point and would have jumped 50 more times if we had let him.

Princess treatment with the nap today.

It was a great trip.  I hope my kids didn't leave such an impression that we aren't asked to come back next year :)!

Aiden-how long?

Aiden is 5, will be 6 in October.  He tells people he is 10, which brings a tear to my eye because I don't want him to be 10.....I don't want him to be 6, I really like him at 5.

How long will he let me hold his hand before he starts to pull it away?  How long will he kiss me when he is excited?  How long will he stop what he is doing and run up to me when I see him after school?  How long will he let me play guns and legos with him? 

I look at him and am amazed at the boy he is.  I love this kid, with all my heart and struggle with seeing him grow up. I love the way he is and don't want him to change.