Monday, September 23, 2013

Dad's Birthday-Bebe's Birthday

Dad turned 62 on Saturday.  He is 62!  That seems so old, yet looks so young.  It is crazy how age changes as you get older.  When I was 15 I thought 30 was old.  When I was 20 I thought 50 was old.  Now that I am 30 I feel like 60 is old....but then I look at my parents and I don't see old at all.  I see young.  I see happy.  I still see people that are FULL of life. 

Speaking of old....BeBe turned 82 on Sunday.  Holy what?!?  82?!??!  I always thought that was old, like way old.  But I am so very wrong.  BeBe still goes and gets it with the best of them. 

I think time slows anybody down (look at the energy Aiden has compared to his young, vibrant, youthful mother).  There are times when I have this realization that I am 31.  I don't feel 31.  But then again what does "31" feel like?  I really believe you are only as old as you allow yourself to feel. 

At 9:00 every night I feel like a 75 year know one of those old woman who wants to be in bed and watch TV or play sudoko?  At 11:45 each morning I feel like a 20 year old....I am ready for anything and everything!

I hope as I do actually age that I age like my parents and BeBe.  I want to feel young and stay active and continue to live a full life.  I want to travel and experience new things. I want for my kids to want to be around me and want to go places and experience new things with me.  I want to be a lot like my parents (minus dad's bald head).  I have great role models in my won't hear me complain!

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