Monday, February 24, 2014

A Little Trip

We took a mini vacation (by mini I mean short, like way short) to Great Wolf Lodge this past weekend.  We got up early Saturday and headed to Cincinnati to spend the night.  We met up with Amanda and her family. 

We have been on quite a few trips as a family in the short time we have become a blended family.  Day trips, weekend trips, week long trips...we have really gotten to expereince a lot together.  I am very thankful and appreciative for that.  I want to cram in as much as we can before the bigger kids get too big to want to hang around us.

I will say this is one of the first trips we went on where all 4 kids had the best time (minus the lake house, who doesn't have fun at the lake??!??).  In my opinion everyone (minus a few moments here and there -- melt down from Sloane about the music, a Kailyn moment about her hair) had a good time and really allowed themselves to have fun. 

As you have read (if you have read) my son has an aversion to allowing himself to have a good time.  Not this last weekend.  The boy had a blast.  He was brave and helpful and fun and flexible.  He was perfect in so many ways.  It made my heart feel so good knowing  how happy he was. 

I never worry about Sloane or Kailyn having fun because they really do make the best of the situations they are in.  Aiden and Bailey like to know what is expected and what things will look like and both of them had a blast. 

I was really thankful that we got to have this weekend together with very little technology and a lot of fun times.  There was something for everyone! I am so glad that I have friends like the Larners' who love to do things like this!  I did learn something about Amanda that I will never forgive (she will go to a public bathroom in a water park without shoes on....unforgivable) but I still love her (I think). Oh, that AND her husband bought a pair of crocs (I think he secretly likes them).

Once again, I have a really good life!  Love that!

1 comment:

  1. I have to think of a time I can spend the night and when you and Kyle are zonked out, I will rub my precious little feet on your faces...No but really I have too much fun with your family. Love them ALL!!
