Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sports have taken over the world......

SO many things going on….I can’t keep it all together.  I have decided I need to place a bet on what day I will finally NOT show up to something I am supposed to be at because I have overbooked my life so much. 

Aiden is playing baseball and football right now.  Not a big deal, I thought.  Football is every Sunday for about 2 hours.  Baseball is every second of every day.  Why have I done this to myself.  He has practice on Monday, a games on Wednesday and Thursday, practice on Saturday.  Oh but that is just this week, next week it will be practice different days and games different days.  I can’t keep it straight.  I am an organized soul too.  I love having to do lists…but only if it means I get to go shopping to buy things to complete my list. 

Aiden loves it, so I will only complain to my blog (and all my fine readers J).

Sloane is in dance on Thursdays and gymnastics on Tuesdays.  What makes her schedule easy is it is consistent.  Before today my kids have never played a sport where I can’t predict what is going to happen on a future date.  This has been an eye opening experience for this mom!

I can’t make plans.  I can’t make commitments….it is just so much pressure!

Yes, I am being dramatic.  It isn’t that bad.  Watching them play their sports and do their thing outweighs any burden it may have caused on my life.  I signed up for this and love being able to watch their accomplishments. 

Every month seems to bring on new territories as parent.  I wouldn’t trade any of it and I wouldn’t want to do it any differently than I do.  I love my job as a mom and I love my kids (minus their inability to listen)!

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