Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Little Sloane

Sloane has the worlds biggest personality!  She is so animated and has so many faces and stories that she could have her own reality TV show.  I feel like she could go so far in this world if the right things happen for her!  She has such charisma and spunk that everybody should get to meet her.  I am clearly biased and feel like she is amazing....but whatev.

I wish I had a better memory to share all the things Sloane says and does...because she is quite funny. She doesn't know it, but she is.  She just always has something to say and something to do that makes people laugh....even though she is usually not trying to be funny.  Usually her little reactions are all drama, which is what is so funny.

My mom was laying with Sloane the other night before bed.  Sloane wasn’t quite ready to go to sleep so she was wallering (I think I made this word up...) all over.  Mom tells Sloane (at least 10 times) that  she needs to lay down so she can go to sleep.  Until eventually Sloane says, "Gami, you just need to get up!"  

Sloane is just a character in all she does.  She is very dramatic and VERY opinionated (don't know where she gets that). She is very interested in her hair and lipstick and clothes and all things girl.  This drives some people crazy, but I LOVE it.  I love that she loves that stuff. I love that I have somebody to shop with and somebody to get my nails done with.  I am sure I have created a monster, but man I love her!  

I bought Sloane a new fall jacket one weekend when she was at her dads.  That afternoon I was with her at Aiden's football game so I took her to the car and showed her her new fall jacket..... I couldn't handle how cute it was and needed her to see it!  She took one look at it and said she didn’t like it (which was ridiculous because it was super cute)!! She then proceeded to tear up and say that she won't wear that, ever. So I told her that it is very cute and whether she likes it or not it is hers to keep her warm when it is cold. I explained that (through her tears and constant interruptions) there are children all over the country that don't get new jackets and new clothes and she should be very thankful.  I told her that there are kids that would do anything to have a new jacket like that....she proceeds to look at me (with the most amazing little eyes) and proceeds to giggle and say, "Oh mommy, you are funny!" She has no clue....

Sloane is sweet....she is loving...she loves to sing and dance and be the center of attention.....she doesn't enjoy playing with other kids (a lot)....she doesn't like to share her time between friends....she prefers all attention from or on one person....She loves her cousin Madison and would spend every second playing with her.... 

I love this girl!  

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