Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My Mama

There is not a day that goes by that my mom doesn't cross my mind in
some capacity, whether it be a fleeting thought of what she is doing
or a memory of some sort.  With her living in Texas and me in Indiana
months will go by where we don't see each other. We talk often, almost
daily. She has kept herself very busy in retirement, which is good. I
miss her often, but I love that she is getting to live a good retired
life with our family.

My mom is quite frankly the most selfless person I know. She puts
others before herself on a daily basis and wouldn't Have it any other
way.  She volunteers her time weekly if not daily to helping others in
her community.  She works tirelessly (by choice because she doesn't
know how to sit down) on new projects around her home. My mom is a
giver, she wants everyone to be happy because I truly believe she
feels happiness from other peoples joy. She doesn't bat an eye when
someone calls to ask for something. She's a good friend and loves to
have a good time. She loves her grandkids (even the really naughty
ones) with every part of her heart. I have made a few crazy decisions
in my life and my mom has never judged or questioned me, she has
simply stood by my side. I hope to be half as patient with my children
as my mom is with me. She is a good woman.  I'm proud to call her my


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