Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Little Miss Temper

I remember when Maddi (my first encounter of aunt-hood) was a little person she was so perfect (she still really is).  But she turned 3 and became a not so perfect little person.  We really believed that we had hit the luck button with this chick because she did NOT go through the terrible two's.  We spoke too soon....I remember thinking I was gonna have to sell her if her parents left her alone with me once she turned 3.  She would melt down over anything and everything!  WEELLLLLLL, 5 years later (she is now 8) she has a wonderful little cousin, (my gem) Sloane.

Sloane is on the brink of three.  Three, how does that happen so fast?  Two was pretty easy with this girl. She was always pretty easy going....especially as a baby.  Now? Not.So.Much.

She melts down at the drop of a hat.  Anything and everything sets this child off.

If her socks are on crooked, you would think that I put baby spiders in them before I put them on.

She wants a fruit snack and is told to hang on a second, you would think I told her that Santa is never visiting again.

You want to help her wash the shampoo out of her hair during bath time.  How dare you, it is like splashing poisonous water all over her body.

She wants to do a puzzle but the first piece doesn't fit the WRONG piece, call in the troops she is losing her mind.

I have actually videoed her melting down.  She loves to watch it.  Thinks it's pretty awesome.  Sloane usually laughs a little, then says, "I siwwwwy." Yes dear, you are silly.

Last night her, Aiden and I were playing a game.  We were each taking turns rolling the race cars into a bucket (sounds enthralling right?!?).  When it wasn't my turn Sloane would rub my face and tell me it's not my turn, but it's ok.  She would say, "I love you mommy, but it not your turn." She would say this the entire time until it was my turn.  She melted me.  She finds ways to remind me each day why I love her so.

During this game Aiden also showed his mature 5 year old side.  Sloane melted down (what? Sloane? no way!) about wanting it to be HER turn and wanting to use Aiden's car.... my little Aiden let her go AND AND AND AND AND gave her HIS car to use.  He was desperate for her to play without melting down.  He is a great kid.  He will be a great kid.

I am a lucky mom.  I get the joy of the meltdowns but I also get the joy of all the happy moments. I love getting to know more and more about my kids each day.  One of the great parts of being a mom. 

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