Wednesday, March 13, 2013

She is Three!

I don't know how it happened, but it did.  She turned 3. Three! Holy Cow, my baby girl is three.  Unreal.
She is a ball of energy.  She's sassy.  She's one giant drama queen.  She's a beautiful smile.  She's an amazing attitude.  She's as hard headed as they come.  She's the life of any party or situation.  
I like to think she is a lot of me, but a way better version.

Sloane loves Barbies, so we had a barbie party.  The day was all I could have imagined and she did great.  The hardest part of the day was realizing that SHE was not a good driver so maybe Aiden can teach her a little about driving a barbie jeep once spring rolls around.  

I love this girl with all my heart.  
She is my little rock star. 
My best friend.  
My baby.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I LOVE her and you of course. You rocked the birthday party and I would like a barbie jeep for my 31st. Thanks.
