Thursday, August 15, 2013

back to school

Well it's official.....Aiden is in elementary school!  I still can't believe that he is old enough to be in kindergarten, yet he is! Sloane has also started her life as a preschooler, which is just as crazy to me.  I think Sloane will always be my little baby.  It gives me a lot of joy to see Aiden getting big and becoming a boy, but it makes me sad to see Sloane so grown up.  I guess there is a double standard with my two little people.  I forever want Sloane to be this little girl.....but I look forward to watching Aiden grow up and become a young man.

The first few days were rough.  In fact Sloane cried for an hour after day one....I don't think she understood what just happened.  I dropped her off.....then came back a million hours later.  I don't think she had a grasp of "school," even with us talking about it constantly.

Aiden had a great first couple of days.....but then cried every morning before school.  We are on his second full week of school and he is his normal happy self now.  No tears in the morning and is bouncing out to the car every afternoon.  They have a color system in his class (green is is bad).  He has managed to make it to yellow a few times (so I know his teacher is getting the TRUE Aiden everyday.  He usually has a good excuse for his behavior.....and never argues about his consequence for not being on green (no iPad time for the evening) which means he KNEW he was in the wrong.

I have great kids. I am reminded of that daily.  I want them to love school and to stay happy little people. 

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