Friday, January 24, 2014

Wheeler Mission

On Christmas Eve this year our kids went back to their other parents to spend the night then came back to us on Christmas day.  I am not sure what schedule I like more, when they come to us first or come to us second....but I will say I was really happy with how this year worked out. 

On Christmas Eve Kyle and I went downtown and volunteered at Wheeler Mission. We loaded up trays with food and handed them out to the homeless.  It was a great experience.  Most of the people there were so appreciative and thankful. 

As the men walk by you you can't help but wonder how they go to this point in their life.  What is their story?  Do they have kids, parents, any family?  Do they have somebody that worries about them?  Thinks about them?  Do they make efforts to get out of the situation they are in?  Is that a possibility for all of them?

It reminds us that EVERYONE has a story and their story is not less important or less tragic than our own.   Everyone faces mountains, some more often than others.  I am reminded to be thankful for the things that I have.  I have so many wonderful things in my life but the most important things love, shelter, food, and family make my cup runneth over on a daily/hourly basis.  I am so happy where I am in my life. 

I have those four "basic" things and I am happy and many of these men are happy, genuinely happy and they don't have those things (well they do, but only at the willingness of others they have shelter and food).  I would love to hear their stories.  I would love to hear about their lives.

Wheeler Mission hands out THREE meals EVERYDAY for the homeless.  They ask for nothing in return.  They provide shelter for anybody that needs it every night.  It is an incredible thing. I need to volunteer more often!

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