Thursday, September 18, 2014

Gami visits

My mom came in town for Natasha's wedding a couple of weeks ago.  She stayed with us while she was here, which is always nice.  When she leaves Kyle and I become quite helpless because she does so much while she is here.  I haven't done a load of laundry in over two weeks....I haven't washed a dish or unloaded the dishwasher in over two weeks. Yep, I am that daughter!

The kids love having Gami here.  Not only because they just simply love Gami, but Gami gives them whatever their little hearts desire.  You want a cookie for breakfast? Ok.  You want candy before dinner? Sure! You want to take your blankey to school? Of course!  Gami is a typical Grandma!  She loves my kids to the moon and back and let's them get away with murder.

Aiden and Sloane are always sad to see her leave, but they never really understand it until she is gone.  Yesterday when Gami wasn't home after school they were so confused.... It is bitter sweet that they don't understand.  I never want my kids to be sad when she leaves but they also don't know how to appreciate the time they have when she is here.

Gami does a lot for my family and I will forever be grateful for that.  She is amazing and deserves that lovely retired life she is living.

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