Thursday, March 5, 2015

I stare.... a lot

I have always stared at people.  I am always silently imagining their conversations, decisions, thoughts while staring directly at them. I used to be a brilliant observer - I say observer because it sounds better than stalker- I never got caught and was able to pick up on so much.  I could see when someone was happy, mad, sad and could tell their story simply by watching their body language.  It was a skill that I was really proud of having.

As I have gotten "older" (I put "older" in quotes because I am not that old) I think I have lost a little bit of my skill.  I used to never get caught staring and now it's like people can sense me.  I make eye contact and have to do the sudden look away so they don't catch on to my game.  It is a little uncomfortable (for them, not me).  I have also found that I don't even care if they realize I am staring I just keep looking, silently judging all their actions and then I realize, holy shit they totally know what I am doing!

I especially like to watch people when I am at dinner.  I find that this is the time where I can learn most about a complete stranger.  I tell myself that it isn't weird to do this - it is, I know - but people are LOUD and basically want me to know what is going on in their lives.  Basically, I am doing them a favor by staring and listening to their private conversations. 

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