Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Kids and Life

Aiden is a second grader.  I am so proud of how he has done in the three weeks we have been back in school.  He has had good behavior and is making friends.  He is playing tackle football this year....this has been interesting.  He is such an athletic kid.  I am SO SO SO SO SO biased, but I really see a lot of talent in him.  I hope that he finds the motivation to stick with sports (all of them) and use sports as an outlet over electronics and friends.  I see so much happiness in him when he does well.  The smile he has coming off the field is like no other smile he gives.  It is pure joy for me to see him do well.  I am and will always be THAT mom on the sidelines.  I am proud of him and I want him to know it. I hope he does well in school this year too....although he did tell me he is good at math so there really is no need for him to need to learn how to read better.  OOOOk, kid.  Aiden needs a lot of help with reading, he really dislikes reading to me, but doesn't mind being read to.  I hope that this changes for the sake of his sanity going through school. I definitely don't make him read to me enough at home, but there are just some battles I can't fight.

Bailey  is officially a freshman in college.  IN COLLEGE.  Just in case you didn't catch on to the "in college" part Bailey is in college.  Tiny little Bailey is in the real world fending for herself.  She is living in a dorm with two other strangers and is loving life.  Granite, this is only day 3 of her college life, but she hasn't complained once since being dropped off.  My mom was literally shoving me out of the car as I was crying and Bailey was not fazed.  I can only dream that Aiden and Sloane have their heads on as straight as Bailey does.  She is so responsible for being only 18 and so much more aware of other people and other peoples feelings.  She is truly a diamond in the rough!  I am super proud of her and her outgoing personality.  I can't wait to see what great things she does!

Kailyn is a freshman in high school.  She is on the varsity volleyball team and starting.  She is kind of a big deal.  Kailyn is really good at volleyball so watching her play is something I truly enjoy.  She is in her element out there and I love seeing that.  Kailyn doesn't have a lot of passion about things (other than her phone and shopping) so when she is on the court you get to see a different side to her. Kailyn is also super smart, without trying much she can bust out good grades...reminds me of Coleman.  I on the other hand would study for days and barely pass, if pass at all.  I hope she works hard these next four years so that there are lots of opportunities for her!

Sloane is in kindergarten.  It simply hurts to write that.  I was not and still am not ready for this girl to be old enough to be in school. I miss her when she is gone, every second of every day.  She is like my partner in crime at all things so having her at school is painful (yes, even though I have to work). I want great things for her but I worry that her sass is going to hold her back.  Sloane gives me a lot of happiness because she loves me A LOT.  To her I am her world and that does nothing but light me up.  I love how much she loves.  I want school to be fun for her and I want her to have a lot of friends.  I want her to be kind and to think of others.  I worry about all these things with her.  I am very excited to see what the future holds for her.  She started gymnastics again and is rocking it.  She has the body of a gymnast and the upper strength of a ballerina....the girl needs to lift some weights!

Kyle is in his second year as the principal at Decatur Middle School.  He LOVES it.  He is so damn good at what he does.  It is pretty amazing to sit down and have a conversation about education with him, he truly is gifted at what he does.  He has started his doctoral program at Indiana State University.  I am excited to see him complete this.  We will definitely throw a party when it is over...he won't want a party, but I will!  I am so proud to call this man my husband.  He is an amazing dad who has raised two amazing girls.  He works really hard and is really good at it.  He loves me with all of his heart.  He takes great care of Aiden and Sloane and I see both kids light up when he is around.  I am lucky to be his wife. I am lucky to have him to look up to.

A Deep Rut

I have been a teacher for 12 years.  12. Years!  I don’t feel old enough to even be out of college and I have taught long enough to see multiple students graduate high school and go to college!  It is crazy how quickly the time goes.  You don’t realize it has gone by until you look back and see so many milestones behind you. 

I love working with kids.  I love seeing them learn something new and grasp onto a new idea that they have never thought of before.  I love seeing the excitement in their eyes when they do something well.  I love the break, man I really love the breaks.  I love the amount of time I get to spend with my own kids because my schedule allows for it.  I see parents that don’t get off work until 5 and work in the summer and I simply can’t imagine what that is like.  I am very thankful for what I do. 

I am also tired of what I do.  I am in a rut, deep in a rut, stuck and trying to work my way out.  I really believe it is boredom.  Doing the same thing day after day leads you to feel like a maniac some days. Working with kids can lead some to be bonkers.  It is exhausting knowing that these kids NEED to know what you are teaching but don’t care to actually learn it.  It is exhausting meeting the needs and them re-meeting the needs of kids day after day after day.  I am finding that I am losing my patience for repeating myself. 

I wonder how people like my mom and grandma did this for well over 30 years.  I can’t imagine making it to twenty years in this day and age.  I will say, in my defense, that education has changed in the measly 12 years I have been teaching.  The focus has moved away from teach kids to love school and learn math to make kids pass a test over all the standards that is given in February.

There have always been standardized tests.  I remember taking them in 5th grade…you know the kind where you tore open the test with your pencil?  Maybe that was just a Texas thing. 

I don’t have the answer for why schools have so drastically changed, but I do know that I don’t love it like I did back in 2004 when I started.  I hope that the spark gets back to me sometime because this truly can be a rewarding job.  When moral is low it impacts ones desire to do well.  My hope is that a light switches and I can get back to the passion that drove me.

My Mama

There is not a day that goes by that my mom doesn't cross my mind in
some capacity, whether it be a fleeting thought of what she is doing
or a memory of some sort.  With her living in Texas and me in Indiana
months will go by where we don't see each other. We talk often, almost
daily. She has kept herself very busy in retirement, which is good. I
miss her often, but I love that she is getting to live a good retired
life with our family.

My mom is quite frankly the most selfless person I know. She puts
others before herself on a daily basis and wouldn't Have it any other
way.  She volunteers her time weekly if not daily to helping others in
her community.  She works tirelessly (by choice because she doesn't
know how to sit down) on new projects around her home. My mom is a
giver, she wants everyone to be happy because I truly believe she
feels happiness from other peoples joy. She doesn't bat an eye when
someone calls to ask for something. She's a good friend and loves to
have a good time. She loves her grandkids (even the really naughty
ones) with every part of her heart. I have made a few crazy decisions
in my life and my mom has never judged or questioned me, she has
simply stood by my side. I hope to be half as patient with my children
as my mom is with me. She is a good woman.  I'm proud to call her my
