Friday, December 20, 2013

Acceptance and Tolerance

This is gonna get deep……

Is it ok for people to think differently than you do?  Is it ok for someone to have their own beliefs and stand by them?  What if their beliefs are very different than your beliefs, is it still ok? 

It feels like the world is filled with people who live for ‘Freedom of Speech’ but does that make it all right to say anything you want? I think with ‘Freedom of Speech’ comes a responsibility and I feel like there are not enough people in the world who take ownership of that responsibility. 

It is ok to believe what you believe.  It is ok to feel differently than someone else.  It is ok to think differently than someone else.

It is not ok to be hateful to someone who thinks differently than you.  It is not ok to exclude people for being different than you. It is not ok to be closed minded.

So here goes, what makes it ok to hate someone because of their homosexuality, race, religion?  What makes it ok for someone to be unaccepting of other people because they think or live differently than you?

I struggle with being accepting of people who aren’t accepting.  I just don’t understand how someone being gay, black, Muslim has any affect on you whatsoever.  So here I am NOT being accepting of people who aren’t being accepting of other people.  I am obviously wrong and really need to just accept that there will always be people that will believe differently than I do.

I hope to always teach my children to accept people, no matter what.  To be willing to understand other people and accepting of their personal choices, even if those people are different than us. I hope to always teach my children to be respectful and loving towards all people.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

All I want for Christmas.....

So, it is almost Christmas and I finally figured out what I want Santa to bring me……I want him to bring me two children that listen.  Specifically, Aiden and Sloane.  I don’t want new children, I really like the two that I have…but, they don’t listen! Think he can handle that?  

I have two great little people.  They are happy and healthy and loving and friendly....but lordamercy they don't listen to anything we say.  In fact when they do listen I am so shocked that sometimes I am speechless and confused at their behavior.  Generally they are not defiant or rude they just completely tune out any direction that comes their way.  It is amazing.  I wish I had that ability....

My hope is that Santa can fix my problem because I have clearly done something wrong along the way!

Monday, December 9, 2013


We have an elf in our house and his name is Frankle. Frankle has made our life pretty exciting; it is amazing what my kids will do the impress him.  Frankle shows up each morning watching over Aiden and Sloane.  He flies back to the North Pole each night to report on Aiden and Sloane’s behavior (to Santa) then flies back.  He shows up in some wacky places each morning! 

The first night Frankle showed up this year (this is his third year with our family) Sloane slept THROUGH THE NIGHT. She woke up after sleeping through the night and I said, “Do you know who is so proud of you?” (Me obviously!?!?) She replies with, “Santa!” Oh really? Yes, dear Santa has been getting up with you 2-3 times a night since you were born!

My kids have become little tattle tales.  They tell on each other to Frankle…. it’s almost a little disturbing.  I like to think that I am using Frankle as a fun tradition, but I think I am using Frankle as a pawn to make my kids behave.  That clearly makes me an amazing mother.

Having Frankle around makes my kids want to do well so that he can give a good report to Santa each night.  It has NOTHING to do with them ACTUALLY wanting to do well because doing well is just the right thing to do.  Drives me crazy! Yet, I continue to hear myself say, “What do you think Frankle is going to have to say about that?!?”

Which brings me to my next point.  I don’t think my kids have any idea what Christmas is really all about.  I take full responsibility for this because, well, I don’t actually know what Christmas is all about.  I know a few details and have come to my own conclusions over the years (the Nativity scene is quite helpful once you know who each character represents….now that was a hard lesson to learn as a kid. Who is who and what was their role?!? Lordy, who would have thought that the baby was Jesus?!  I always assumed Jesus was always a man, never a baby….all those confusing years).

I need to find some good picture books to read to my kids so they have a better understanding of what we are celebrating and why.  It is not all about the presents….although that part is awesome!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

a beetle?

I am open to a lot of things....but I am not alright with a man driving a VW beetle.  I think the only valid excuse is you took your wife's beetle to fill it up with gas.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We Dance Anywhere

I didn’t sleep well last night.  Mornings are already not my thing, I don’t like to have conversations or talk in depth about anything before 7:20 a.m.  So, knowing I didn’t sleep well was not a good sign for the way my day was starting out.  Kyle always deals with Aiden and I always get Sloane dressed and ready before school.  Kyle did his usual thing and I did my usual thing.  We had a little extra time this morning so the kids finished a quick puzzle before we all headed out the door.

I drove Kyle’s car this morning so I was able to plug my phone in to play music (yes, my dinosaur car doesn’t have an auxiliary plug). Sloane’s favorite song of the decade is “Call Me Maybe” so I held off playing it for as long as I could…she finally asked for it a few miles before getting to her school. 

We listened to it on repeat twice before even getting to school.  Once we got to school we had a little impromptu dance party in the parking lot.  Sloane cracked up and I realized that this kid could turn anything into an amazing moment.  The sun rises for her and she lives each day to the fullest. I need to have the mindset of a happy, healthy 3-year-old more often!  My heart just aches for how much I love her.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Time well spent with your friends is such an important part of life.  I think we always get wrapped up in the reality of our own things that we forget sometimes to sit and relax with our friends. 

I am lucky to have amazing friends who I have known for more than half of my life (and a few of you less than that but it feels the same).  Time spent with them is great.  To be able to flow from one conversation to the next then back to the previous conversation is so natural.  Being around people who know you, like really truly know you, is good. 

I spend all my days at work around people that are great people, but most of them don't actually know me (aside from one, she KNOWS me).... so when I make a rude comment (like I always do) I really just come off as a bitch.  When I am with the people that truly know me, no rudeness needs an apology.

I don't like to apologize so lucky for me I have had the same friends for coming up on 20 years, thankfully they know I don't love to apologize and accept me for that. 

I love my friends like my family.  We complain, we're honest, we are real, we play, we cry, we laugh so hard we pee a is just surrounding yourself with goodness.  I love that.  I love that I have friends like this and that my kids can see what it looks like.  I hope that my kids are able to find what I have found in friends!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Happily Ever After

The day came and went and now we are husband and wife.  It was a great day filled with love and happiness and excitement and nerves and wind and chill.  November 2 will forever be our anniversary.

The week started off quite shaky....let me give you a run down.

Saturday, October 26th- Aiden, Sloane, and I flew home from Texas.  It was a very uneventful day. My dad picked us up from the airport because Kyle was at sectionals with Bailey (who won!).  We took the kids to Rac's house and dropped them off.

Sunday, October 27th-It was a crazy busy day trying to get errands run and last minute pick ups for the wedding.  We needed sand for our sand ceremony, we found some at Michaels and I managed to bust a bag on aisle 4, whoops!  I felt bad for the girl who had to clean it up, not bad enough to help, but still bad.  Got a call that evening that Sloane was running a fever.  Spectacular. She needed to get to the doctor on Monday because we do not have time to be sick! I had actually already scheduled her an appointment because she was having other issues, good thing!

Monday, October 28th-Sloane stayed home with mom, who took her to the doctor.  Sloane has a UTI and an ear infection and needs to get her ears cleaned out because they are so packed tight with wax.  EEEEWWWEEE that sounds like fun.  I called the ENT and got her an appointment for Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 29th-I get a call from Rac at 8:30 that Aiden is coughing a ton.  So I make him an appointment for 1:00.  I leave school at noon, pick him up, take him to the doctor (he was totally fine by the way....never coughed and was grinning when the doctor asked if he was sick....riiiiiiiight, nice try kid!). Mom, Kyle and I go to Regional's this night to root on Bailey and her team!  The match was about an hour and half away.  As we were driving there I am starting to feel like crap.  My head is growing twice it's size, my nose is all clogged up, my throat is burning.  Oh yeah, I was looking good! Bailey's team ended up losing, but did a great job! We get home and I take a shot of nyquil and well, let's just say I didn't sleep that night.  I did realize around 5 am that there is no way I can go to school.  So I do my sub plans and let Kathleen know that she is in charge.

Wednesday, October 30th- I stayed home today, which was perfect and just what I needed.  I finally fell asleep and got up to go to the doctor.  Sloane was home too.  Thankfully mom was home b/c she saved our butt this week!  She even made me some homemade chicken noodle soup....scrumdiddly! I got some medicine and went back to bed.  Sloane and I napped all afternoon then went to the ENT.  She was AMAZING, let the doctor clean out her ears and make her all healthy.  He said her ears were already looking better!

Thursday, October 31st- HALLOWEEN! Sloane finally went back to school.  Aiden is at school.  I am at school (my amazing coworkers even had a little dessert lunch to celebrate my upcoming nuptials).  It is raining....ALL.DAY. And Halloween was cancelled, moved to Friday....the day we are having lots of family over for dinner. Sheesh. Good thing we are flexible.

Friday, November 1st- Kyle and I took the day off to get some things done.  It ended up being a pretty crazy busy day.  We ran some errands that morning. Kyle and Bailey went and checked out a new car for Bailey.  Sloane, mom, and I got our nails done (Sloane got a little excited and shattered a bottle of nail polish on the stores brand new wood floors....awesome).  Kyle and I got Micki picked up from the airport.  Picked up Kyle's dad and got the chairs picked up for the wedding.  Took the chairs to the wedding site....learned that the dock leading to the boat house was under water....came up with alternate wedding locations on the farm.  Took the girls to get their nails done and shopping for shoes and jackets. Prayed for no rain.  Came home, made dinner, had some family over, celebrated Kailyn's 13th birthday, went trick or treating, played, went to bed.  It was a crazy, busy day!

Saturday, November 2nd-It's wedding day! This was a perfect day.  I was very not busy....but I am sure the people around me were.  It was a good day.  The sun came out.  The water went down at the boathouse, the wedding was back to it's normal location.  I really didn't do anything this day....Mom took Kailyn shopping....Kyle got a fancy shave....I layed around.....I got Sloane to take a nap.....Aiden was great.  Overall the day was perfect!

WEDDING TIME....the wedding was truly perfection.  I can't wait to get the pictures, I believe they will tell the whole story! 

I am officially married to the man of my dreams.  I look forward to our next hundred years together (I plan to live forever). 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What's in a vacation?

A vacation is definitely a well needed break from your regular day to day.  It gives you a chance to walk slower and take time for yourself. Or read a book you've wanted to read or maybe even take a nap.

Kyle and I went on vacation together (the first one with just the two of us) to Pensacola Beach, Florida.  Let me start with this....the weather was amazing!! Here is a glimpse of what our days looked liked....

we woke up
ate breakfast at the Native Cafe
went back to the hotel (I sat on my rear end eating candy while Kyle ran)
went to the beach around 11 each morning and stayed there until 4 each day
took a bike ride around the island and explored the real estate (where we found tons of homes we will retire to--after we hit the lottery)
went to dinner
walked around
went to bed

I tell you our daily schedule to tell you the next thing.  We missed our kids.  Every time we saw kids playing on the beach I would get a little punch in the gut thinking Aiden and Sloane would love this or Kailyn and Bailey would love to people watch with us.  We wanted for them to be a part of our vacation.  Then we really looked at the things we did and realized they never would have liked this vacation.  They would have loved the beach, but not for 5 straight hours.  They would have loved the bike rides, but not to look at the giant houses that they will never get to live in. They would have loved going out to eat but they don't have the patience we do.

I always feel guilty when I am away from my kids, so does Kyle. We are normal people and we miss our kids when they are away from us....and as I have blogged about before, we are away from our kids a lot more than a "normal" mom and dad. But, just like all people, we too need a break from our regular day to day.  We need a chance to walk a little slower and take time for ourselves.  We needed an opportunity to sit and have an uninterrupted amount of time to focus on ourselves and each other.

I blame my guilt on my divorce and always go back to 'my poor kids didn't choose this life'....what I forget to point out is that my kids have so many people that love them.  People that genuinely and truly love them.  They have Kyle who would drop anything for Bailey, Kailyn, Aiden, or Sloane.  Then there's Mandy who would do anything to make sure that Aiden and Sloane are safe and healthy. Not to mention their own mom and dad who worship the ground they walk on. I have to constantly remind myself how lucky they are.  

So while I choose to take a vacation for me, nobody suffers. I miss those kids whenever I am away from them, but they too benefit from my personal vacation.

We are better people for taking time to do this for ourselves.  I know that I will be a better mom for taking this time for myself.  I will be more than excited to see my two little people and wrap my arms around them and give them the biggest hug. I am ready to play football and do puzzles and play dress up and dinosaurs. I am refreshed (and tan). I am ready to go back to being mom again.  Everyone needs a break.  Everyone deserves time for themselves.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

birthday boy

Aiden is officially a 6 year old!  That is insane.  He is gotten to be such a big boy with a big personality.  We are still struggling with school, but he has a behavior plan and it really seems to help him visualize how he is doing.  He wants to do well, if he could just do well all the time he will be 100% successful!

We threw his birthday party at a place called Recreation Unlimited.  It is a place that sells swing sets, trampolines, and basketball goals....they have birthday party rooms (brilliant) and kids can play-play-play until the party is over. And, well that is what these kids did!  Aiden has a great group of friends (mainly because I only let great people in my life :) that came and celebrated his birthday.

This girls NEEDS a trampoline!
Amanda with Lacey's newest addition, Finley

Little petunia here didn't feel well at the end...probably that cupcake, no nap, and no dinner....

Clearly, she was fine here.....
I just missed these two hugging....he is a beast, but man he is a lover!

These three....couldn't keep up if I tried!

Happy birthday Aiden.  I love you with every piece of my heart and soul.  You changed my world 6 years ago and made me the happiest woman in the world.  I want nothing but happiness for your deserve it!  Thank you for being you.  You bring a smile to my face at least 10 times a day and challenge every part of my life that I thought I already knew.  You are an amazing kid and I hope you continue to be that amazing kid as you grow! I love you buster!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Dad's Birthday-Bebe's Birthday

Dad turned 62 on Saturday.  He is 62!  That seems so old, yet looks so young.  It is crazy how age changes as you get older.  When I was 15 I thought 30 was old.  When I was 20 I thought 50 was old.  Now that I am 30 I feel like 60 is old....but then I look at my parents and I don't see old at all.  I see young.  I see happy.  I still see people that are FULL of life. 

Speaking of old....BeBe turned 82 on Sunday.  Holy what?!?  82?!??!  I always thought that was old, like way old.  But I am so very wrong.  BeBe still goes and gets it with the best of them. 

I think time slows anybody down (look at the energy Aiden has compared to his young, vibrant, youthful mother).  There are times when I have this realization that I am 31.  I don't feel 31.  But then again what does "31" feel like?  I really believe you are only as old as you allow yourself to feel. 

At 9:00 every night I feel like a 75 year know one of those old woman who wants to be in bed and watch TV or play sudoko?  At 11:45 each morning I feel like a 20 year old....I am ready for anything and everything!

I hope as I do actually age that I age like my parents and BeBe.  I want to feel young and stay active and continue to live a full life.  I want to travel and experience new things. I want for my kids to want to be around me and want to go places and experience new things with me.  I want to be a lot like my parents (minus dad's bald head).  I have great role models in my won't hear me complain!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The life of a kindergartner.

How do you make a child make good choices? How do you make them do the right thing? How do you make a kid follow directions? How do you make them listen and pay attention? How do you make your kid pick the right friends? How do you make him want to learn?

How do I make Aiden do all these things when he is away from me?

We are riding the struggle bus with school right now. Aiden is an amazing kid (you can read back on any of my blogs and see that I have a minor obsession with him). Aiden is one of the happiest most outgoing kids I know. He is socially perfect, in my opinion. He doesn’t just walk up to anybody and act like he can play, but he walks over and observes then decides whether or not he would fit into that situation. I love how he is, he reminds me of me when it comes to being social. He comes off pretty quiet; until he is comfortable, then the true Aiden begins to appear.

He is excited about life. He is very hands-on. He is very enthusiastic. He talks faster than his brain works so half his stories don’t make sense. He loves to play. He loves to rough house. He loves to fit in. He loves to be laughed at. He loves to make people laugh. He genuinely cares about how his sister is treated and is excited for her to do things well. He cares about his friends and loves being around them. Overall he is an awesome kid.

So, why doesn’t he act like that at school? Or does he? Does he do all of those things…oh my goodness, he does!

He is excited, so excited that he doesn’t raise his hand he just yells out. He is hands on, so hands on that he can’t sit on the carpet with the rest of the class because he can’t keep his hands to himself. He is enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that he must touch the person in front of him (with a gentle head-butt) to show them how excited he is. He loves to fit in, so he is running around with the kids that get the most attention, you know the kids who get in trouble all day and never get positive attention….yep, he is playing with those kids. He loves to be laughed at, so much that he will make people laugh even when it is “learning time” and other kids are asking him to be quiet. He genuinely cares about his friends, so much so that even though kids are doing the wrong thing he doesn’t want to hurt their feelings by not playing with them or telling on them so he just tags along with them.

Being a parent is hard. Being a parent with a kid in school in so much harder than I ever imagined. You want other people to love your kids the way you love them. You want other people to want to be around your kids and want their kids to be around your kids. Being a teacher I have had many “aidens” in school. I have learned how to handle them and how to deal with them. I hope that nobody sees Aiden and thinks, “I don’t want my kids around that boy.” That is a true fear that I will not let happen to my son.

Aiden’s teacher said to me that Aiden is never mean or malicious….this couldn’t be more true. Nothing that kid does (other than the things he does to his sister—whom he secretly loves) is mean-hearted. He is one of the most kind-hearted souls I know. All I want is for him to see that in himself. I want for him to learn how to be a student before we all lose our minds.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Say. It. Isn't. So.

Kyle and I are getting married!  Yes, Married! 

I have met the man that I know I want to spend each and every one of my days with.  The man I am proud to stand next to and call my own.  The man who makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.  The man who loves me like he has never loved anything more.  The man who makes me feel whole and happy. 

Kyle and I have talked about marriage for a lot of our relationship.  I am not a fan of the traditional ways (ie the proposal).  I feel like in our situation and our life marriage was a huge deal because it is something that we want our kids to treasure and be a part of. I want for the kids to know what marriage is truly about....something I don't think I learned until I was older.

I didn't want to be proposed to, I didn't want an engagement ring, and I didn't want a traditional wedding and reception.  I am so particular (I am still trying to figure out why Kyle wants to marry me?!?).  Once I realized that we can get married without a big proposal and a big wedding I was ready!!

We did a some ring shopping.  We did some venue hunting.  We made it official! We told our parents first, the kids next, then our friends!

Our parents were happy for us, as expected!  My dad isn't the most emotional human so I think he said, "well that's good" mom cried....Kyle's parents were very excited that he is happy and we are making it official!

Telling the kids was crazy fun!  I was nervous, not to tell them, but just for their reactions. Kyle and I made a video with pictures (played music) and put a some pictures of us and the kids. In the video were these three photos:

Everyone was standing/sitting around the kitchen table and we played the video.  It wasn't very long so we knew they would know pretty quickly. When the girls saw it they let out a little holler and Aiden looked at me, knowing he can't read I told him what it said.  Aiden got a little grin on his face and Sloane looked at us, but quickly realized there was still music playing so she was way too distracted by the video to care about our news.  Aiden then turned around to Kyle and I, wrapped his little arms around us, kissed us both on the cheeks, then yelled, "GROUP HUG EVERYBODY!"  It brought tears to my eyes (not just because everything brings tears to my eyes) because he was genuinely excited for us.  He knows we are happy and I love that.  Sloane watched the video a few more times, the girls immediately started texting their friends, and life went back to normal.  A football game ensued outside and cleanup began inside.

Sloane has since told everyone that we are all getting married (her, Aiden, Kailyn, Bailey, and Kyle).  She is very excited about picking out a dress....she shops daily on the iPad. 

I am happy.  It is a wonderful place to be.  I love Kyle, with all my heart and can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together!

back to school

Well it's official.....Aiden is in elementary school!  I still can't believe that he is old enough to be in kindergarten, yet he is! Sloane has also started her life as a preschooler, which is just as crazy to me.  I think Sloane will always be my little baby.  It gives me a lot of joy to see Aiden getting big and becoming a boy, but it makes me sad to see Sloane so grown up.  I guess there is a double standard with my two little people.  I forever want Sloane to be this little girl.....but I look forward to watching Aiden grow up and become a young man.

The first few days were rough.  In fact Sloane cried for an hour after day one....I don't think she understood what just happened.  I dropped her off.....then came back a million hours later.  I don't think she had a grasp of "school," even with us talking about it constantly.

Aiden had a great first couple of days.....but then cried every morning before school.  We are on his second full week of school and he is his normal happy self now.  No tears in the morning and is bouncing out to the car every afternoon.  They have a color system in his class (green is is bad).  He has managed to make it to yellow a few times (so I know his teacher is getting the TRUE Aiden everyday.  He usually has a good excuse for his behavior.....and never argues about his consequence for not being on green (no iPad time for the evening) which means he KNEW he was in the wrong.

I have great kids. I am reminded of that daily.  I want them to love school and to stay happy little people. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Low Point

I started this blog about a year ago.  I wanted to have something to document where my life was and where it was going.  I wanted to highlight the highs of my life while at the same time not ignore the lows.  So prepare yourself, this is a low.

I like to think that I don’t compare myself to others, but let’s be honest I DO.  It is a terrible fault of mine.  I sometimes think that other people have it so much better or so much easier, blah blah blah (and sometimes it is the other way around, I feel so lucky and so honored to have the life I have).  I don’t know why I do this.  There are just some days (I can almost pinpoint these days to a “t”) I feel sorry for myself.

I don’t live a normal life, but what is a “normal life?” I do have a million things to be thankful for, yet there are days where I am sad.  I miss my kids.  I miss them when I am with them because I know that in a few short days they will be with their dad and I won’t have them with me anymore.  I get mad when I see my friends with their kids and they don’t have to miss their kids.  I get mad when I hear parents complain about not getting a break from their kids and here I am desperate to get my hands on my own.  I feel selfish but I NEVER voice my opinion and here is why: I know what it is like to be with my kids all the time. I know why moms need a break.  I know why parents are tired. 

But see, here is my problem I am not tired.  I so desperately want to be tired.  I want to WANT a break.  I so desperately want to NEED a break.  But I don’t have these things because I have to spend time away from my kids while they get to spend time with their dad.  I will never have a normal motherhood experience and I feel sorry for myself.  I don’t want to feel sorry for myself, but by God I do. 

I choose not to do things where I know that kids will be there and my kids will not.  It is something that I struggle with because I don’t want to miss out on things or hurt others in the process but I simply can’t be a part of something that my kids should be a part of and can’t.  I will miss my best friends kids’ birthday parties next weekend because I won’t have my kids.  I hate to not be there, I love those two kids like my own, but I can’t be there and feel ok without Aiden and Sloane.  Every Tuesday there are free concerts (which are the by the way) in our town, I don’t go unless I have my kids.  I can’t watch all these little people run around, dance, play and not feel a huge sense of emptiness inside. I have a love hate relationship with Facebook because it makes me miss my kids.  People post all their pictures of their kids and I sit there wishing I could have mine home with me all the time….it puts me in a bad mood. 

I don’t want to be in a bad mood.  I want to be me.  I want to feel fulfilled every day, not just on the days where I have my kids.  I have not and will never claim to be an expert on divorce.  I will however claim to do my best with the situation I am in.  I feel like (and have been complimented on by for how well I have handled all the changes that have occurred in my life and my kids.  But at what point does this get better?  I am at a loss for how I will feel this way for the rest of my life (or until these two little people go to college---unless they want me to go with them, which I would do in a heartbeat). 

Life is hard.  I know this.  Nothing is easy and everybody is fighting their own battles.  I am sure there are people who look at me and think ‘she has it made’…. which I know I do.  I have two healthy kids who love life.  I have an amazing partner in Kyle who puts up with me.  I have met the two most amazing teenage girls and I have loved getting to know them. I have great friends.  I have an incredibly supportive family.  I have a roof over my head.  I have dinner on the table and lots of snacks in the fridge. I have a good job. I am healthy (minus my eating habits, which I think will make me live forever-others say will kill me early).

I have to learn to focus on the positive.  I need to learn to be ok with what my life is with Aiden and Sloane and be thankful for the times I have them.  I just haven’t gotten to where I am ok with not seeing them all the time.  I miss their faces and more importantly I know they miss mine.  Sloane would glue herself to me and I would be ok with it.  Aiden called me last week (his week with his dad) crying because he missed me, my heart broke.  It broke in half and I don’t think it has healed.  I don’t want my kids to miss me.  I never want them to think I am not there. 

Being divorced is hard.  Life is hard. I will try to focus on the positives.  I know that life could be so much worse.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Arkansas, meet Aiden & Sloane

We just got back from out trip to Greers Fairy Lake in Arkasas....what an amazing place!
Kyle's parents have a condo right on the water and were amazing enough to have my kids join his family for their summer trip.  It was a great trip!  The kids had a blast, the teens had a blast, and the grown ups had a blast! The weather was incredible.....right in my wheel house of hot and sweaty.

We spent everyday in the water, on the boat, eating, on the jet ski, jumping cliffs, eating, taking golf cart rides, swimming, eating, and spending time together. 
Kailyn, Sloane & Bailey Tubing (Sloane loved it!)
Kailyn, Aiden & Bailey Tubing--he wasn't sure about it, but did enjoy it (aside from his face of fear)
Kailyn & Bailey--Kailyn could tube all day!

Kailyn jumping
Bailey Jumping

Kyle Jumping----I jumped too, but we only have video so no pics

A couple of days Sloane took a little nappy on the boat....I wish I could have napped too, but Aiden doesn't sit long enough to allow this!

Crazy clear water!

Instead I napped in the water.

Kyle and his dad, Jim, jumping.

She watched Aiden jump, so she walked right over and jumped then looked up with this "what in the hell just happened" was awesome.  Love how brave she is.

Aiden was brave too!! He worked his way up to this point and would have jumped 50 more times if we had let him.

Princess treatment with the nap today.

It was a great trip.  I hope my kids didn't leave such an impression that we aren't asked to come back next year :)!