Wednesday, January 15, 2014

name change

I remember having to change my name the first time.  I went from a Nunn to a Coffey.  It was so annoying.  As soon as you think you changed everything you would realize there was still something else that needed to be changed.  Your credit cards, debit cards, bills, student loans, license, passport and the list goes on.  I just don’t understand why I have no patience for stuff like this.  Now that I am married my name is going to change to Barrentine and I just haven’t worked up the patience to get myself to the BMV.

I really wish we were all just given a code and went by that.  Not like our social security number, that is WAY too many numbers for me to remember.  But a group of numbers and letters…..From now on refer to me as 91A12, I like the sound of that.

This way people can have any name they want and don’t have to change a thing.  Your ‘code’ would be your true identity.  I guess it does kind of sound like a prison inmate number…. if you looked at my license picture you would see it totally fits a prison ID number (I look like I had just gotten taken down by Big Bertha in cell block 6).

A code… is genius!

Damn, if I were president I could solve all the first world problems!

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