Saturday, January 11, 2014

Playing with toys...UGH

I am just not equipped to play with boys.  It is like learning a foreign language trying to figure out what to do with the cars or dinosaurs or army men.  I just don’t do any of it right (according to my always right son). 

Yesterday we were playing with dinosaurs and Army men.  I was assigned the job of T-Rex.  I was feeling really good about it because T-Rex is like the boss of all bosses.  So as I am playing I learn there are lots or rules (he cant go in the water, he can’t eat that, he can’t take those, he can’t run that fast…..).  So eventually I decided that his short little arms were hilarious and T-Rex needed someone to tie his pretend shoes and someone to feed him his lunchy.  Aiden at first went along with it….UNTIL T-Rex asked Sloane to hold his hand because he was scared.  Where of which Sloane put down her assigned job and began to hold T-Rex’s hand.  Aiden had had it with us at that point. 

I do puzzles, I do games, I do outside….I just don’t do Barbie’s, dinosaurs, army men, and baby dolls.  I never played with them and I just don’t know what to do with them.  It is awkward and weird to pretend.  I was clearly not born with an imagination.

As I am writing this my kids are playing, TOGETHER, not fighting, not arguing, JUST PLAYING with each other.  It is the most amazing noise I have ever heard.  I know this won’t last long.  Aiden is quite bossy and Sloane is quite independent so the two don’t mesh well.  I will love it while it lasts.  Their imaginations are incredible.  I will admit to anyone that they didn’t get that from their mama.

And the tears have begun….I must go.

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