Wednesday, March 19, 2014

can't I just sit....

I went to the park yesterday.  The sun was shining, but it was not warm. I am so over our winter. Over being cold.  Over wearing my coat.  Over my winter clothes. Over being annoyed with the weather. 

Anyway, I was at the park. The kids were in good moods (not always the case) and we were swinging and doing monkey bars.  Aiden asked if we could play dragons and knights.

I am that mom that is always playing with her kids and watching the other moms (not all) sit on the benches.  And yes, I am judging those moms….why aren’t they playing, I want to sit, I want to drink my latte (yeah, never, I hate coffee) and relax, are their kids the annoying ones on the playground?

With that being said, yesterday Aiden asked if I would be the dragon and him and Sloane would be the knights (not sure Sloane agreed with the “knight” business but whatever).  Naturally, I agreed and told them to go to the castle (the slide) and I would come chase them.  As I began my run (as an awesome dragon) I was overwhelmed with a crazy feeling….I was flipping tired. I didn’t want to chase them.  I didn’t want to be a dragon, I wanted to be the latte mom who sat on the bench. So you know what I did? I handed in my mom of the year card and said “hey guys, I am a little tired and really need to sit down for a minute…you two play together and I will be RIGHT over there…..SITTING.”

It felt good to sit, but good lord I felt bad about it.  I felt like I was being so lazy and so pathetic.  I clearly was being lazy, but am I not allowed to sit?! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes you are allowed to sit but the kids will remember all the fun they had playing with you. You are an awesome Mom.
