Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Life is Short

Aiden and Slaone’s great aunt Jeannie died suddenly yesterday.  She was 49.  I am reminded anytime someone dies how short life can be.  How quickly things can go away, disappear, forever be gone.  It breaks my heart to know that her son, who is 19, will never get to hug is mom again.  That her husband, who has loved her unconditionally for over 30 years, will never get to lay next to his wife in bed. 

Jeannie was an amazing woman and was so accepting to every person she met.  She accepted me into her family and loved my kids like they were her own.  Jeannie was also very supportive of me through my entire divorce from Rac, never judged me and continued to send me emails and notes even when I wasn’t considered her family any longer.  She truly was a great person. Jeannie loved her son, Chandler, who was born premature weighing in at 2 pounds at birth.  This kid was truly her pride and joy.  She posted about him weekly on facebook, how proud she was of him and how happy he made her.  Chandler will forever know that his mother truly felt proud to be his mom.  Thankfully she told him, often.

When someone dies you are reminded how quickly things happen.  You are reminded how quickly life can change and become totally different.  One day you are smiling and the next day you are not.  Your world is altered in such a way that you don’t know how to pick up the pieces.  Nobody can make things better. Nobody can offer words of wisdom.  Nobody can take away the pain that is now a part of your life.

Many people turn to Religion. Many people wait for peace. Many people just play the “it didn’t happen” game.  However one chooses to deal with death is their choice.

One person can never compare their experiences with those of another, because every person experiences things in such a different way.  There is no comfort in hearing other peoples stories and the only comfort comes from telling your own. 

Death is a reminder to love fully, everyday.  To hug tightly, every chance you get.  And to speak kindly, at all times. 

My thoughts have been with and will continue to be with Jeannie and her family.

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