Saturday, July 19, 2014


We welcomed a new family member to our family this week, Tex the dog.  Tex is a black lab mix, they say he has Sharpei in him....but who really knows.  He was found when he was 11 months in Indianapolis and lived with a foster mom until we adopted him. 

He is a lovely little man.  He obeys.  He is potty trained.  He is crate trained.  He is calm. He is a wonderful dog.  He loves the kids.  He has a lot of hair. A lot of hair!

The only negative has been the amount of hair I have swept up over the last 5 days.  I am pretty sure I  could knit a sweater for every child in Fishers with the hair I have vacuumed. I love him though, so I don't actually mind it.

Tex loves to run with Kyle and walk with us non runners.  He loves to play chase and tug-o-war. He also loves treats.  We take him with us everywhere we go.  I love that!

We are excited to have this kid in our lives.  The kids LOVE him and we couldn't be happier.

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