Monday, November 23, 2015

Aiden is 8

So this post is a little late!

On October ninth at 12:15 Aiden turned 8. EIGHT.  Sheesh that happened fast.  I remember when he was little thinking that time does not go by fast.  Being a new mom was not easy.  People would always say, "enjoy it while it lasts" and I always thought they were CRAZY.  Nothing was enjoyable about being a new mom.  It was hard.  It was new.  It was unpredictable.  I am not laid back, so none of that was easy for me. Now Aiden is 8 and I think, "damn, that went fast." While I truly can't say I wish he was little, I do miss having him little.  I am too busy loving who he has become to want him to be anything but 8.  I love his personality.  He has such a big heart and loves to play with his friends.  He loves getting his way and becomes very loving when he gets what he wants (yep).  I am ok with it.  He has learned that throwing fits are pointless and that talking things out is usually a lot easier.  He has learned that I am always right and when I am wrong I am working on apologizing.  He has learned that mommy has a temper and even when I yell at him I still love him immensely. He has learned that he is good at sports, but doesn't love to practice to get better.  He has learned that being sneaky, while easy, never ends well for him.

I can truly say I love who Aiden is.  I wouldn't trade him being a baby again for anything.  I hope his 8th year brings him as much joy as he brings those of us around him!

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