Monday, November 23, 2015

Fall Break

Kyle and I went to Key West for fall break.  Alone.  Sans kids.  It was amazing.  It wasn't amazing because we didn't have kids, but it was indeed amazing because we got to be Kyle and Whitney for 6 straight days and do whatever we wanted when we wanted. That part was definitely amazing. I think when you have kids and a job you never can fully focus on your spouse like you should.  Aiden, Sloane, and Kailyn drive our schedules day in and day out and for 6 days we didn't have to worry about a schedule.  The day was our to conquer with no worry over where we needed to be at any particular time. Did I mention it was amazing?

We spent the week sitting on the beach (a very tiny beach), riding bikes, eating delicious food, swimming, snorkeling, shopping, and drinking.  It was a great week to fully focus on us, we needed it and it was 100% perfect. I am very thankful to have a husband who wants to take the time to focus on us...a husband who makes an effort to make sure we have what we need.


After Kyle and I went on our vacation it was Aiden and Sloane's turn to head to Florida.  The kids and I drove to Pensacola to spend the week with my dad and Lucy.  Yes, I drove, alone, by myself, with no help.  It was insanely...easy.  I couldn't believe how well the kids did and how well I handled it.  Yep, kudos to ME.

Anyway.  This TRIP (not a vacation when kids are there) was great too.  We spent every day at the beach (even if it wasn't HOT HOT HOT). The kids had a blast and I loved spending time with them.  I really missed the stinkers after being gone a week.  However, I really missed Kyle not being with us.  I am not a fan of being apart from my husband in any capacity.  I call it a healthy obsession...he might call it annoying.

The kids and I loved dad & Lucy's new house.  It was really big and new and fun to discover new things.  The kids had a lot of fun being around dad and building things.  Sloane got to help Lucy cook (while I did crossword puzzles and didn't help). It was just really a good week.  Dad drove back to Indiana with us, so that was an even easier drive...although I think the kids knew how stressed I was about driving there so they were especially good....this was NOT the case on the way home.


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