Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My Husband, My Hero

I have been married to Kyle for 2.5 years - I think, I probably should check that date.  Dates are not really my thing.  But, in the short years we have been married, I have fallen more and more in love with him as the days go by.  He truly is my very best friend and my most favorite person.  He gets me.  I get him.  We really are perfect for each other.

I look up to him, more so than I have ever looked up to anyone in my life.  His desire to be great at everything he does is something I wish I had.  His work ethic and dedication to getting better each and every day is inspiring to not only me but to the people around him. I am proud to call him my husband.

I want to spend my time with him because when I am with him I am complete.  Two hours feels like five minutes when we are together.  Life can be really boring without him.  When something happens he is the first person I want to tell.  When I see something funny, sad, happy, he is the first thing that comes to mind.

People spend their whole lives looking for love and we found it.  We are the lucky ones.  We found this amazing life that gives us even more purpose.  We have each other to do life with and it is so fulfilling.

A lot of people have bucket lists, not me.  I have Kyle.  He is my bucket list.  I just want to do life with him and whatever that means, as long as I am with him, we are set.  He is the very best of me and makes me a better person in every way.

I am lucky enough to be an 'ordinary woman who fell in love with an extraordinary man.'--(Thank you for those words Nicholas Sparks)

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