Thursday, October 17, 2013

What's in a vacation?

A vacation is definitely a well needed break from your regular day to day.  It gives you a chance to walk slower and take time for yourself. Or read a book you've wanted to read or maybe even take a nap.

Kyle and I went on vacation together (the first one with just the two of us) to Pensacola Beach, Florida.  Let me start with this....the weather was amazing!! Here is a glimpse of what our days looked liked....

we woke up
ate breakfast at the Native Cafe
went back to the hotel (I sat on my rear end eating candy while Kyle ran)
went to the beach around 11 each morning and stayed there until 4 each day
took a bike ride around the island and explored the real estate (where we found tons of homes we will retire to--after we hit the lottery)
went to dinner
walked around
went to bed

I tell you our daily schedule to tell you the next thing.  We missed our kids.  Every time we saw kids playing on the beach I would get a little punch in the gut thinking Aiden and Sloane would love this or Kailyn and Bailey would love to people watch with us.  We wanted for them to be a part of our vacation.  Then we really looked at the things we did and realized they never would have liked this vacation.  They would have loved the beach, but not for 5 straight hours.  They would have loved the bike rides, but not to look at the giant houses that they will never get to live in. They would have loved going out to eat but they don't have the patience we do.

I always feel guilty when I am away from my kids, so does Kyle. We are normal people and we miss our kids when they are away from us....and as I have blogged about before, we are away from our kids a lot more than a "normal" mom and dad. But, just like all people, we too need a break from our regular day to day.  We need a chance to walk a little slower and take time for ourselves.  We needed an opportunity to sit and have an uninterrupted amount of time to focus on ourselves and each other.

I blame my guilt on my divorce and always go back to 'my poor kids didn't choose this life'....what I forget to point out is that my kids have so many people that love them.  People that genuinely and truly love them.  They have Kyle who would drop anything for Bailey, Kailyn, Aiden, or Sloane.  Then there's Mandy who would do anything to make sure that Aiden and Sloane are safe and healthy. Not to mention their own mom and dad who worship the ground they walk on. I have to constantly remind myself how lucky they are.  

So while I choose to take a vacation for me, nobody suffers. I miss those kids whenever I am away from them, but they too benefit from my personal vacation.

We are better people for taking time to do this for ourselves.  I know that I will be a better mom for taking this time for myself.  I will be more than excited to see my two little people and wrap my arms around them and give them the biggest hug. I am ready to play football and do puzzles and play dress up and dinosaurs. I am refreshed (and tan). I am ready to go back to being mom again.  Everyone needs a break.  Everyone deserves time for themselves.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

birthday boy

Aiden is officially a 6 year old!  That is insane.  He is gotten to be such a big boy with a big personality.  We are still struggling with school, but he has a behavior plan and it really seems to help him visualize how he is doing.  He wants to do well, if he could just do well all the time he will be 100% successful!

We threw his birthday party at a place called Recreation Unlimited.  It is a place that sells swing sets, trampolines, and basketball goals....they have birthday party rooms (brilliant) and kids can play-play-play until the party is over. And, well that is what these kids did!  Aiden has a great group of friends (mainly because I only let great people in my life :) that came and celebrated his birthday.

This girls NEEDS a trampoline!
Amanda with Lacey's newest addition, Finley

Little petunia here didn't feel well at the end...probably that cupcake, no nap, and no dinner....

Clearly, she was fine here.....
I just missed these two hugging....he is a beast, but man he is a lover!

These three....couldn't keep up if I tried!

Happy birthday Aiden.  I love you with every piece of my heart and soul.  You changed my world 6 years ago and made me the happiest woman in the world.  I want nothing but happiness for your deserve it!  Thank you for being you.  You bring a smile to my face at least 10 times a day and challenge every part of my life that I thought I already knew.  You are an amazing kid and I hope you continue to be that amazing kid as you grow! I love you buster!