Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Back to Reality

As a teacher I spend a lot of time off work.  I have every weekend and evening to my family.  I have lots of vacation time throughout the year off and the most important time I have off is SUMMER.  I have ALL summer off--which is really not ALL summer because we go back to school by August 1st....but still, you get what I mean.  I have time OFF to spend with my family doing whatever our hearts desire.  I will tell you summer is what makes me the most carefree.  It makes life better, easier, and just a lot more fun.

Summer is coming to an end, which makes my heart sad.  I know it is a little dramatic, but it is so very true.  It makes me sad.  I don't want to go back to reality.  I like carefree and easy.  There are times where my kids drive me bonkers, but it is worth every second of being home.

I need to find a school that is only in session from November through March.  THAT would be perfect for me!

On Thursday, the 31st, say a little prayer for my might not be pretty!

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