Sunday, July 27, 2014

sundays....bum days

Sundays make me lazy.  Lazy as all get out.  It is awful.

Mom, Madison, and Colton have been here all week.  It has been short of magical! The kids played all week long.  Sloane and Madison play and it melts my heart.  Colton follows Aiden around and copies everything he does...I love it!  Watching these four play takes me back to my childhood with Coleman, Leslie, Micki and Danielle.  I loved every second of it.

My house was a constant mess, which is hard for me to handle, but it was totally worth it. The kids had a blast and I had even more fun watching them. 

Madison laid in bed with me one evening and I realized how grown she is. She talks to me like an adult and acts so mature.  She is such a sweet girl and is an amazing sister to Colton and just worries and works with him all day.  Madison has grown up to be an amazing kid.  I could only be so lucky to have Sloane act like her.  I miss seeing her all the time.  I miss her laugh.  I love that girl!! (PS. She learned to ride a bike this week....AT ALMOST TEN YEARS OLD!)

Colton...well this little boy is something else.  He is strong willed like no kid I have ever met.  When he thinks one way, then by God it is going to be THAT way! He is a lover of all lovers.  He will give you kisses and hugs and smiles that melt your heart....but then can turn around a remind you why he is so ornery.  Colton is his father!

I miss these kids and hate that live so far away.  I hate that they moved to Texas, but love how wonderful they are!

Sundays are always hard for me...but especially today.  Not only did I have to take my two gems to their dads, I had to send off mom, Maddi, and Colton back to Texas.

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