Monday, August 25, 2014

i like THAT mom

I am that mom.  I yell at Aiden's football games as if I were watching the Dallas Cowboys win the Super Bowl (and while that is NOT going to happen anytime soon it would be super exciting).  Aiden makes me proud and he works really hard on the field so it is fun watching him play.  I did the same thing at baseball and basketball and his other seasons of flag football so at least I am consistent. 

I do cheer for the other kids too, but I don't know their names so I yell "come on buddy" "run hard buddy" "you got this buddy" a lot.  I wonder if people think my son's name is Buddy.  Hmm, I should learn their names.

Watching baseball or football for most people isn't exactly fun. For most people the word brutal comes to mind.  But watching Aiden makes time fly by for me (unless it is freezing outside then time just stands still).  I love every second.  I enjoy watching him work hard and do his best.  He is all in the game (unless someone lets go of a balloon which floats into the sky, I mean EVERYONE needs to watch the balloon and see what will happen--even if a kid is running PAST you with the football) and this boy isn't usually "all in" to much.

He threw a touchdown pass last week, that was awesome to see.  It was his first true touch down pass and he executed it quite well.  He is definitely learning a lot and that is really fun to see.  If only he took school as seriously as he took sports!

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