Monday, November 23, 2015

Sloane got glasses!

We got a letter home that Sloane did not pass the school's eye exam. I was a little surprised because she has always passed her exams at the pediatrician and she has never complained that she couldn't see. I also got the paper and was more than confused because I know nothing about eye exams and what those numbers mean!

Nonetheless, we took Sloane in and she indeed needed glasses.  She SERIOUSLY looks adorable in her glasses.  She chose black frames (mainly from us (Mandy and me) pushing her towards black and away from pink or purple).  We know how finicky Sloane is and I could see pink glasses not matching an outfit and that leading towards a GIANT fight at 6:15 black was best. Any-who...She narrowed down her choices and chose an adorable pair of glasses.

When her glasses came in she was BEYOND excited.  She literally began to sob with excitement.  I was so confused by her reaction but she said she is just "so happy!" She has loved having them.  My hope it the joy continues and that her eyes correct themselves over the year and then we can be done with the glasses :)

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