Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We Dance Anywhere

I didn’t sleep well last night.  Mornings are already not my thing, I don’t like to have conversations or talk in depth about anything before 7:20 a.m.  So, knowing I didn’t sleep well was not a good sign for the way my day was starting out.  Kyle always deals with Aiden and I always get Sloane dressed and ready before school.  Kyle did his usual thing and I did my usual thing.  We had a little extra time this morning so the kids finished a quick puzzle before we all headed out the door.

I drove Kyle’s car this morning so I was able to plug my phone in to play music (yes, my dinosaur car doesn’t have an auxiliary plug). Sloane’s favorite song of the decade is “Call Me Maybe” so I held off playing it for as long as I could…she finally asked for it a few miles before getting to her school. 

We listened to it on repeat twice before even getting to school.  Once we got to school we had a little impromptu dance party in the parking lot.  Sloane cracked up and I realized that this kid could turn anything into an amazing moment.  The sun rises for her and she lives each day to the fullest. I need to have the mindset of a happy, healthy 3-year-old more often!  My heart just aches for how much I love her.

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