Thursday, November 14, 2013

Happily Ever After

The day came and went and now we are husband and wife.  It was a great day filled with love and happiness and excitement and nerves and wind and chill.  November 2 will forever be our anniversary.

The week started off quite shaky....let me give you a run down.

Saturday, October 26th- Aiden, Sloane, and I flew home from Texas.  It was a very uneventful day. My dad picked us up from the airport because Kyle was at sectionals with Bailey (who won!).  We took the kids to Rac's house and dropped them off.

Sunday, October 27th-It was a crazy busy day trying to get errands run and last minute pick ups for the wedding.  We needed sand for our sand ceremony, we found some at Michaels and I managed to bust a bag on aisle 4, whoops!  I felt bad for the girl who had to clean it up, not bad enough to help, but still bad.  Got a call that evening that Sloane was running a fever.  Spectacular. She needed to get to the doctor on Monday because we do not have time to be sick! I had actually already scheduled her an appointment because she was having other issues, good thing!

Monday, October 28th-Sloane stayed home with mom, who took her to the doctor.  Sloane has a UTI and an ear infection and needs to get her ears cleaned out because they are so packed tight with wax.  EEEEWWWEEE that sounds like fun.  I called the ENT and got her an appointment for Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 29th-I get a call from Rac at 8:30 that Aiden is coughing a ton.  So I make him an appointment for 1:00.  I leave school at noon, pick him up, take him to the doctor (he was totally fine by the way....never coughed and was grinning when the doctor asked if he was sick....riiiiiiiight, nice try kid!). Mom, Kyle and I go to Regional's this night to root on Bailey and her team!  The match was about an hour and half away.  As we were driving there I am starting to feel like crap.  My head is growing twice it's size, my nose is all clogged up, my throat is burning.  Oh yeah, I was looking good! Bailey's team ended up losing, but did a great job! We get home and I take a shot of nyquil and well, let's just say I didn't sleep that night.  I did realize around 5 am that there is no way I can go to school.  So I do my sub plans and let Kathleen know that she is in charge.

Wednesday, October 30th- I stayed home today, which was perfect and just what I needed.  I finally fell asleep and got up to go to the doctor.  Sloane was home too.  Thankfully mom was home b/c she saved our butt this week!  She even made me some homemade chicken noodle soup....scrumdiddly! I got some medicine and went back to bed.  Sloane and I napped all afternoon then went to the ENT.  She was AMAZING, let the doctor clean out her ears and make her all healthy.  He said her ears were already looking better!

Thursday, October 31st- HALLOWEEN! Sloane finally went back to school.  Aiden is at school.  I am at school (my amazing coworkers even had a little dessert lunch to celebrate my upcoming nuptials).  It is raining....ALL.DAY. And Halloween was cancelled, moved to Friday....the day we are having lots of family over for dinner. Sheesh. Good thing we are flexible.

Friday, November 1st- Kyle and I took the day off to get some things done.  It ended up being a pretty crazy busy day.  We ran some errands that morning. Kyle and Bailey went and checked out a new car for Bailey.  Sloane, mom, and I got our nails done (Sloane got a little excited and shattered a bottle of nail polish on the stores brand new wood floors....awesome).  Kyle and I got Micki picked up from the airport.  Picked up Kyle's dad and got the chairs picked up for the wedding.  Took the chairs to the wedding site....learned that the dock leading to the boat house was under water....came up with alternate wedding locations on the farm.  Took the girls to get their nails done and shopping for shoes and jackets. Prayed for no rain.  Came home, made dinner, had some family over, celebrated Kailyn's 13th birthday, went trick or treating, played, went to bed.  It was a crazy, busy day!

Saturday, November 2nd-It's wedding day! This was a perfect day.  I was very not busy....but I am sure the people around me were.  It was a good day.  The sun came out.  The water went down at the boathouse, the wedding was back to it's normal location.  I really didn't do anything this day....Mom took Kailyn shopping....Kyle got a fancy shave....I layed around.....I got Sloane to take a nap.....Aiden was great.  Overall the day was perfect!

WEDDING TIME....the wedding was truly perfection.  I can't wait to get the pictures, I believe they will tell the whole story! 

I am officially married to the man of my dreams.  I look forward to our next hundred years together (I plan to live forever). 

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