Thursday, December 19, 2013

All I want for Christmas.....

So, it is almost Christmas and I finally figured out what I want Santa to bring me……I want him to bring me two children that listen.  Specifically, Aiden and Sloane.  I don’t want new children, I really like the two that I have…but, they don’t listen! Think he can handle that?  

I have two great little people.  They are happy and healthy and loving and friendly....but lordamercy they don't listen to anything we say.  In fact when they do listen I am so shocked that sometimes I am speechless and confused at their behavior.  Generally they are not defiant or rude they just completely tune out any direction that comes their way.  It is amazing.  I wish I had that ability....

My hope is that Santa can fix my problem because I have clearly done something wrong along the way!

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