Monday, December 9, 2013


We have an elf in our house and his name is Frankle. Frankle has made our life pretty exciting; it is amazing what my kids will do the impress him.  Frankle shows up each morning watching over Aiden and Sloane.  He flies back to the North Pole each night to report on Aiden and Sloane’s behavior (to Santa) then flies back.  He shows up in some wacky places each morning! 

The first night Frankle showed up this year (this is his third year with our family) Sloane slept THROUGH THE NIGHT. She woke up after sleeping through the night and I said, “Do you know who is so proud of you?” (Me obviously!?!?) She replies with, “Santa!” Oh really? Yes, dear Santa has been getting up with you 2-3 times a night since you were born!

My kids have become little tattle tales.  They tell on each other to Frankle…. it’s almost a little disturbing.  I like to think that I am using Frankle as a fun tradition, but I think I am using Frankle as a pawn to make my kids behave.  That clearly makes me an amazing mother.

Having Frankle around makes my kids want to do well so that he can give a good report to Santa each night.  It has NOTHING to do with them ACTUALLY wanting to do well because doing well is just the right thing to do.  Drives me crazy! Yet, I continue to hear myself say, “What do you think Frankle is going to have to say about that?!?”

Which brings me to my next point.  I don’t think my kids have any idea what Christmas is really all about.  I take full responsibility for this because, well, I don’t actually know what Christmas is all about.  I know a few details and have come to my own conclusions over the years (the Nativity scene is quite helpful once you know who each character represents….now that was a hard lesson to learn as a kid. Who is who and what was their role?!? Lordy, who would have thought that the baby was Jesus?!  I always assumed Jesus was always a man, never a baby….all those confusing years).

I need to find some good picture books to read to my kids so they have a better understanding of what we are celebrating and why.  It is not all about the presents….although that part is awesome!

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