Friday, December 20, 2013

Acceptance and Tolerance

This is gonna get deep……

Is it ok for people to think differently than you do?  Is it ok for someone to have their own beliefs and stand by them?  What if their beliefs are very different than your beliefs, is it still ok? 

It feels like the world is filled with people who live for ‘Freedom of Speech’ but does that make it all right to say anything you want? I think with ‘Freedom of Speech’ comes a responsibility and I feel like there are not enough people in the world who take ownership of that responsibility. 

It is ok to believe what you believe.  It is ok to feel differently than someone else.  It is ok to think differently than someone else.

It is not ok to be hateful to someone who thinks differently than you.  It is not ok to exclude people for being different than you. It is not ok to be closed minded.

So here goes, what makes it ok to hate someone because of their homosexuality, race, religion?  What makes it ok for someone to be unaccepting of other people because they think or live differently than you?

I struggle with being accepting of people who aren’t accepting.  I just don’t understand how someone being gay, black, Muslim has any affect on you whatsoever.  So here I am NOT being accepting of people who aren’t being accepting of other people.  I am obviously wrong and really need to just accept that there will always be people that will believe differently than I do.

I hope to always teach my children to accept people, no matter what.  To be willing to understand other people and accepting of their personal choices, even if those people are different than us. I hope to always teach my children to be respectful and loving towards all people.

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