Monday, April 14, 2014

Marathon winner

You would have thought that Kyle didn't finish the marathon b/c I have been a slacker!

He not only finished but he kicked it's ass!  He would say he didn't do well at all.  He would say that it was awful.  He would say that he is disappointed in his time.  I kindly disagree!  He set a goal to run a marathon and he did it.  He ran a marathon that most people could never do.  Arkansas is what you call HILLY.  Indiana (where he trained) is what you call FLAT.  He couldn't properly train for the hills for Arkansas because we live in the flattest state on the planet. 

Around mile 16 his calves and ankles were killing him.  I will admit he didn't look happy like he did at mile 11...but he rocked out the last 10.2 miles like a champ!

I am very proud to call him my husband.  He continues to amaze me on a daily basis.  Experiencing things like this together bring us even closer and I love that.  The man is a badass, he won't admit it, but I will!

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