Monday, April 21, 2014

why? why? why? why? why?

Aiden has a discovered a word that is going to be the end of, it's not some bad word or mean word, it is the word WHY?!!!

He asks "why" to everything.

It is time for dinner. "Why?"
We need to do your homework. "Why?" (now that I kinda get...notice I said "we" do homework....yeah I thought I'd never have to do homework again....wrong)
He is 21 (talking about someones age). "Why?" (I mean, really!?!?)
Do you want to go see that Bears movie? "Why?"
You have a football game Sunday. "Why?"
We need to get home so we can get dinner ready. "Why?" (son, I JUST told you why....)

That word is so annoying.  There really are no words to compare a curious 6 year old and the use of "Why?".  He asks it with everything, relevant or not.

I do love his curiosity.....I am just trying to be positive, it is flat out awful.  Not gonna be sad when this "stage" ends.

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