Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Amanda and Dan

I have written about Amanda before.  Her and her husband are currently adopting three kids from the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo).  At this moment they are in Africa spending a week with their three children.  Three children that see Amanda and Dan as mom and dad, but can't go home with them.  I have been overwhelmed with empathy for what is going on many times over the last year but more recently the last few days. 

This experience has shown me what true perseverance looks like. There is a very slim chance that Amanda and Dan will be able to bring their three children home with them and I just can't wrap my head around how that will feel.  Amanda and I spoke a lot prior to going (as usual I was super helpful by saying "I just don't know......I can't imagine....this is so hard"), but there is really no way to prepare yourself for that.  They will get to come home to their two biological children, but that in no way can ease the pain of leaving their adoptive children.  They fly home Sunday, so all I ask is that by the grace of God they are able to leave that country with three children in tow.  I pray that this happens for them and it is easy and painless for all parties involved.

Amanda has updated us throughout their trip, which is wonderful because it makes us feel like we are a part of this long awaited trip.  I cry with every post and every comment.  I indulge in every video and every picture posted a million times over.  My kids are excited to meet these children. It only makes sense to bring them HOME, but life is never that simple.

I want to say that I will forever be changed by the this Amanda and Danny.  They really have no idea how their passion to become adoptive parents has changed all of those close to them. This has been the most brutal fight that they NEVER dreamed of having, and yet they are sitting in the DRC holding those kids as I type this.  That is perseverance, that is passion, that is love, and that is hope.  It is something amazing.  Something I can't put into words. 

I pray that you get off that plane with your three kids so that your life can be complete and you can begin to live. 

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