Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sloane dresses herself....

I love having a daughter.  It is so much fun.  Sloane is just the right amount of girl with the right amount of rough.

She has begun to dress herself each morning.  She picks her clothes out the night before.  Holds them up, throws them on the ground, and goes back for something new. This happens around 6 times before she finds just the right mix of leggings, dress, skirt, shirt, or cardigan.  It is funny to watch, but my blood boils as clothes fly off the hangers and land on the ground.  This girl is OBSESSED with clothes.  She changes at least 3 times a day and always ends up in a fancy dress and high heel shoes (thanks Lacey).

Everyday she wants to wear a dress and boots.  Fancy pink cowboy boots that she got for her birthday from my dad and step-mom.  She LOVES them.  I have to help her see that she does have other options for shoes......usually my words are not accepted.

Every night she starts with what shoes she wants to wear then picks her outfits from there.  I have bought her a million pairs of pants in hopes that she will choose (just one day) one pair to wear.  It doesn't happen...ever.  I have bribed her before, but that doesn't work because by the time the morning roles around she forgets the bribe and throws a fit because she wants to wear a dress.

I stand over her while she chooses her outfits to be a voice of reason for her.  I feel like if I don't she is going to come out looking like a clown.  She loves patterns....patterns on her pants, patterns on her top, patterns on her skirt, patterns on her socks (which have to be on JUST right... or else), patterns on her bow. She wants patterns everywhere and well this just can't happen (not everyday at least).  So I try to help guide (push) her to what looks good.

To be honest sometimes I am amazed at what she puts together.  I think it looks cute or I am blinded by her cuteness because Kyle will look at me with pure confusion as to why we are going in public with the smallest mismatched human on earth.

Winter was good because she had to wear a coat over all the crazyiness ... but those days (thankfully) are coming to an end! And Sloane is joining the world in all her crazy.  She definitley feels confident in her clothes, so I will jsut stand there and let it be.  It has taken 4 years, 1 month, and 16 days for me to let go of wanting to pick out all of her outfits (that is a lie, I haven't let go).  It is kind of nice to let her be her and watch what she comes up with.

I vow to always be her voice of reason.....ALWAYS.

The other day we went to the park and she had tennis shoes, lace leggings, a frilly skirt, a nike shirt that says "flyer than most", and pig tails.  It was something else.  I looked at her and told Kyle that I thought she looked cute, at that moment I realized that love really does blind you!

Side note: I wanted to post a picture to prove my words, but I found that ALL wacky outfits put together by Sloane are photographed in black and white!!!! I am smarter than I know!

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