Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Proud Mama

This past weekend was a big weekend for Aiden and Sloane!

I will start with Aiden.  Aiden had a rough start to the week at school (a couple yellow days here and there) and had to sit out during the first inning of his VERY FIRST baseball game as punishment.  I think this punishment was as hard on me as it was on him. After the game his coach told him he needed him to do good at school because he needs him to be able to play….the same conversation that we have had with Aiden (a million times over).  The next couple of days at school Aiden did GREAT….even had a BLUE day (and let me tell you that doesn’t happen often).  On Saturday he had another game and did great! Had 2 RBIs, 4 runs, got a guy out on first after an excellent play….he just did REALLY well (yes, I am bias)! At the end of the game one player is awarded the game ball and my little Aiden got the game ball! I cried (behind my sunglasses, b/c that is what I do….I am a crier). I was incredibly proud of him, not for getting the game ball, but for doing well.  For trying harder at school.  For working his tail off at baseball.  For being proud of himself.  I saw a little fire in his eyes after that game….it was amazing!

Sloane also had a big weekend; it was recital weekend!  She works from January until April on her recital dance and May 4th was her big day.  Saturday was rehearsal and she did great.  She sat patiently waiting on the other dancers…it is solid entertainment (most of the time). On Sunday was the actual performance.  She had a lot of family come watch.  I stayed backstage with her the whole time (I am a helicopter mom, I am ok with it). She got her little self up on stage and danced her heart out! She smiled and danced and smiled some more.  She is a natural star (again, I am bias). At the end she went up and sang the final song with all the other dancers and did a great job, once again.  At the very end she got a TROPHY….she couldn’t have been more excited.  Sloane really becomes a little star when she is in the spotlight.  She takes it very seriously; it is pretty much amazing to watch.  I cried the whole time she danced (people think I am crazy, it’s ok).  

This weekend was a big weekend for my little people, which made it a big weekend for their mama.  I am very proud to be able to call them my kids.  I love how happy they are when they are in their zones.  It makes me feel like I have done a lot of things right with them (to at least counteract all the things I have done wrong).  Being a mom doesn’t come with a handbook, it should! Seeing your kids smile makes all the wrongs right in the world.  I am very lucky to have Aiden and Sloane as my own!

1 comment:

  1. I love them both. Great kids. You are such a fabulous mom, and refreshing to be around with kids.
