Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Aiden is 7!

The boy is SEVEN! I am a little late on his birthday post, but better late than never.  Aiden is officially a seven year old.  Crazy to think that in 3 years he will be 10.  Then 3 years after that he will be a teenager.  Time flies!
I love this kid, absolutely love him.  He has me wrapped around his finger and I couldn't be more ok with it.  I love his passion for drawing.  I love his passion for learning about spiders and snakes.  I love his passion for every sport he tries. I love his passion for snacking. I love his passion for always being right.  I love his passion for arguing.  I love his passion for snuggling. I really just love him, everything about him.
He loves to be outside and play football.  Aiden loves football, absolutely loves it.  But he starts basketball this week, so his passion will push forward to basketball during basketball season.  And in the spring, it will push through to baseball.  He loves these three sports and I couldn't be more proud of the effort he puts forth into those three things. 
School is not Aiden's favorite place.  He says he loves lunch time (duh, who doesn't).  He loves to hang with his buddies and talk about gross stuff.  He doesn't love to sit in class and learn but he enjoys math.  He does well at counting, adding, subtracting, and making number sense.  Reading isn't his strongest thing, but he gets better every day!

I am so proud to be this kid's mom.  I look at him everyday and thank my lucky stars that he is mine.  I have big hopes for him and know that he has big hopes for himself.  I can't believe that 7 years ago I became a mom.  He came into this world and changed everything I thought I already knew.

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