Friday, November 21, 2014

all the things i said....

I told myself that this is how I would do things when I had kids....then I had kids and I told myself to shut up.  I realized that my non-kid self was dumb.

non-kid self: I will not spank.
mom-self: yeah right.

non-kid self: They will eat what I make.
mom-self: I just make what they will eat.

non-kid self: I will make them sleep in their beds and cry it out.
mom-self: Climb in and I will spoon you.

non-kid self: I will leave where I am if my kid throws a fit.
mom-self: Nope, I just keep on walking as if it isn't happening.

non-kid self: I will not pick my kids' noses or lick my finger to clean off their face.
mom-self: Everyday I pick someone nose (other than my own) and lick my finger to clean their face off..I am not proud of this but it is the reality.

non-kid self: I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER drive a van. EVER.
mom-self: I have no intentions of driving a van. Have you been IN a van?? There is so much room!!!

non-kid self: We will do our homework RIGHT after school everyday to get it done.
mom-self: We will almost always do our homework right after school, but sometimes the weather is nice or Mom is tired or you are in a bad mood and I don't want to argue....either way it will get done.

non-kid self: I will make my kids clean up and have chores
mom-self: I will pick my battles and I clean up way better than any kid in my house anyway!

non-kid self: I will never let my child wear that in public.
mom-self: You're wearing that? Ok, let's go!

non-kid self: My kid is not allowed to play football, it is too dangerous.
mom-self: Another weekend, another football game.  He loves it, we support HIM.

non-kid self: I won't send my kids to their room...that's where their toys are!
mom-self: Go to your room. Now.

non-kid self: I will not spoil my kids, it makes for bratty children.
mom-self: I spoil my kids.  If I can then I will.

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