Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy Anniversary (plus a few weeks)

A year later I am happier than I was the day we got married.  I am more stable than I was the day I walked up the stairs to say "I do".  I am more confident than I was the day I kissed my husband for the first time.  I can honestly say it has been a great year.  A great year filled with true love.  I am so head over heels in love with my husband and am so thankful to have that constant desire to be near him.  It is stronger now than it was then and I love that.

We celebrated our anniversary as a family.  Considering when we got married we weren't just bringing two people together we brought along the Brady Bunch to join us in this ride. We felt it was only appropriate to celebrate our anniversary as a family....also known as "famiversary."  We went to dinner at the same place we had our "after wedding dinner...." and it was delicious! Since the wedding gift for your first anniversary (according to the world wide web) is supposed to be paper we stuck with that tradition and simply gave each other cards. We wrote letters to each kid telling them how we felt about this year, so they got to experience the "first year" gift as well.  We will continue these yearly gifts (according the world wide web) until it gets to diamonds at which point I will be recieving a gift and everyone else can sit and watch me open it!  After dinner we went bowling, which was super fun.  Bailey would argue that "fun" isn't the word she would pick...but I do think the whole family had a blast!  I am lucky to call this bunch mine and I look forward to all the excitement that the coming year will bring!

Happy One Year anniversary to us!

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