Monday, December 3, 2012

Broken Thumb

Aiden had a little accident with a bar stool last week.  He was standing under it and it fell forward....his little thumb was smashed in between the ground and the leg of the stool.  It immediately turned purple, but didn't swell up.  We "iced" it with corn, which you would have thought was poisonous.  He went to sleep later that night.....and slept ALL night. 

When we got up for school the next morning....wellllllll it was REALLY swollen.  REALLLLLY swollen.  I got him up, gave him some tylenol and said "alright bud, it will be ok let's go to school."  As soon as I dropped him off at school I had immediate guilt.  I felt like a terrible mother.  I called the school secretary and said I needed a sub.....dropped off Sloane....called Rebecca Matthews (my old co-worker who works at Aiden's school) and had her go get Aiden out of class and take him to her to school....wrote my sub plans.....waited on the sub.  As soon as the sub got to school, I bolted.  Got to his school, picked him up, took him to medcheck and sat in the parking lot waiting for it to open.  Why was I rushing around?  I guess I should have checked med check's hours.

 We were second into the doctor....xrays done....
Fractured thumb....the tip of his thumb was fractured. me MOM OF THE YEAR.  We went straight to a specialist to make sure that the fracture wasn't on a growth plate.  He has a metal brace thing that goes over his thumb.

He couldn't suck his thumb, which I thought was a blessing in disguise.  NOT....he is now a finger sucker.  Even BETTER.

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