Wednesday, November 28, 2012

For the Love....

As a parent there are times when you are simply overwhelmed.  I spent the last thirty minutes getting the kids ready for bed.  Reading our book, singing our three songs, and laying in bed with Sloane then Aiden.  Generally bed time is always an overwhelming time for me because I have very little patience at 8:00 at night. Not tonight.  I spent that thirty minutes gradually becoming more and more overwhelmed with the love that I have for these two people. 

There are times when you look at your kids and you become amazed at who they are.  They do little things that fill your heart and bring a smile to your face.  I stare at both my kids a lot.  I can tell you about every little line on their face and curl in their eyelashes and how each hair lays on their heads.  I can tell you where all their freckles are and what their fingernails look like and how perfectly round their bellies are.  I am a little obsessed with my kids, but I would never fool you...they make me crazy, a lot.  But all of those 'a lots' are overshadowed by short moments of overwhelming love. 

I was laying in bed with Sloane tonight and she rubbed my back.  SHE rubbed MY back.  Then she began to rub my cheeks.  She told me she loved me and laid her little hand on my arm.  It took my breath away. She took my breath away.  She is perfection.  She is love.  She is amazing.

Monday Kyle and I took the little people to Kohls to get them new stockings and I let them each pick out an ornament.  Sloane picked out Barbie (of course) and Aiden picked out a football player (no surprise to us).  When we got back to the house we got out of the car and Aiden looked at me and said, 'thanks mom.'  Now, I know this isn't a big deal.  Kids should say thank you all the time, but let's be honest....they don't.  They say it most often because we tell them to.  There was something about the way Aiden said 'thanks' that night.  He meant it.  He was genuine. He was happy. He was really thankful that he got the ornament and he knew it was something to be thankful for.  He is growing up each day.  He is becoming a boy.  He is perfection.  He is love.  He is amazing.

I am lucky.

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