Friday, November 2, 2012

Hair Hair Hair

Sloane got a haircut!?

I know, you are saying she doesn't have any hair!  And you are totally right.  She is kind of a baldy baby.  But, she does have a solid mullet.  One that only the finest rednecks would be jealous of.

I made the heart wrenching (it wasn't THAT dramatic) to get her first haircut.  I wasn't sure what to expect or what they would say.  And in fact when I got in there, I almost decided to leave....I wasn't sure I could handle not having her little curls if they decided to cut them off.  That AND they were taking FOREVER to get us in.

Side note....we are potty training.  The girl wears panties everywhere, this is so stressful for me.  I live in fear of her peeing her pants each and every second.  A simple errand has turned in to the fastest most efficient trips ever.....she is afraid of public bathrooms, which I TOTALLY get so she won't go potty anywhere but home. I am like a broken record, "you need to potty? let's go potty. you should potty first.  Big girls use the potty!"

Anyway.....they finally got her in the chair and the gal gave me my options:
1. Trim it, but you will still have the mullet look.
2. Do a short bob that angles towards her face and has layers in the back.

Hello!? Was there even an option?!  We went for the 'bob'. We did it.  She got a real hair cut.  She loved it.  She was so excited.  She smiled the whole way through.  It literally stung my heart when she cut off her curls, but, BUT, she doesn't have a mullet any longer.  I don't have my her pigtails any longer, but that is ok.  She is cute with or without those bad boys!

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