Friday, November 2, 2012

The right thing....

Making decisions are difficult to do.  It is hard to know if what you are doing is the right thing.  What is the right thing? What makes YOU believe it is the right thing?  Simple decisions, like do we go outside even though it is freezing or do we go shopping even though I am kinda difficult decisions like how to handle situations with friends/family, making decisions dealing with your kids can ALL be difficult to make.

In most cases what you believe is right someone else believes is wrong...that is kind of what makes the world go round. Even in my classroom, things I believe are the best thing for students, others may not.  I feel like my opinion is valued, which makes it alright for me to do the things that I do....but what about when your opinion isn't valued.  What about the times when you don't have the experience to know if what you decide is the right thing?  Does that make you wrong or incapable of making a decision?  You live and you learn and hopefully if you make a bad decision you are given an opportunity to rectify it.  You do the best with what you can.

We make decisions each day, most times only impacting ourselves.  We decide what to wear, what to eat, where to go, how fast to to react.  The 'how to react' is the problem with decision making.  How WE react affects many others and how OTHERS react affects us.   And a lot of times someone gets hurt, not purposefully but realistically.

There are consequences for all actions, and subsequently consequences for all decisions.  We live with consequences everyday....most times we don't even realize it.  We don't even think about it.

I believe in consequences.  I believe in decision making.  I believe in doing the right thing.

The problem is that what I deem as the "right thing" others may not.  Such a dilemma.

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